Cape Argus

4 suspended, laptops seized as R300m theft is unearthed


NEW Minister of Public Works and Infrastruc­ture, Dean Macpherson, has revealed that his department unearthed a cybercrime-related matter that resulted in a staggering R300 million stolen over the past decade.

Macpherson said that in May, cyber attackers stole a further R24m and this prompted a full forensic investigat­ion by the Directorat­e for Priority Crime Investigat­ion (Hawks), police, State Security Agency, and experts in the ICT and cyber security industry.

These details emerged as Macpherson and Deputy Minister Sihle Zikalala conducted detailed assessment­s on the work of the department and through briefings from department branches.

“The department has been a soft target and playground for cyber criminals for more than 10 years; this should have been picked up a lot earlier.

“I felt it important to let South Africa know what has happened and what we are doing about it.

“I cannot discount the possibilit­y of collusion between officials and criminals in this prolonged period of theft. It is clear that we need better financial controls which I have said to the department are a matter of urgency,” Macpherson said.

Four officials from the department have been suspended and 30 laptops have been seized by investigat­ors.

The suspended officials include three in senior management and one in middle management. The department was forced to shut down all its payment systems, causing significan­t delays in the payment of its creditors.

The investigat­ion which involves cyber and ICT security experts covers:

• Causes of the breach and vulnerabil­ities.

• Vulnerabil­ity and susceptibi­lity to cybercrime of the ICT infrastruc­ture within the department.

• Lack of staff capacity and weak ICT systems.

“We appeal to the team probing this security breach to conclude their investigat­ion with speed. We do not want prolonged investigat­ions with no results. There is no place for corruption in this department,” Macpherson said.

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