Cape Argus

Ex-Steinhoff CFO released on R150k bail


STEINHOFF’S former chief financial officer (CFO), Andries Benjamin le Grange, has been released on bail after appearing at the Pretoria Specialise­d Commercial Crimes Court on charges of fraud.

Le Grange, who paid R150 000 in bail, handed himself over to the Serious Economic Offences unit yesterday morning, Hawks spokespers­on Brigadier Thandi Mbambo told Business Report.

The former CFO is set to face two counts of racketeeri­ng under the Prevention of Organised Crime Act in addition to five counts of fraud, one of corruption under the Prevention and Combating of

Corrupt Activities Act as well as three counts of contraveni­ng the Financial Markets Act following Steinhoff’s spectacula­r implosion and its October 2023 liquidatio­n.

Steinhoff Internatio­nal, which used to own brands such as Ackermans, HiFi Corp, Incredible Connection, and Timbercity, was listed in both Johannesbu­rg and Germany. It was subsequent­ly delisted in the wake of South Africa’s biggest corporate scandal.

In 2017, news broke of the fraud of €6.5 billion (R134bn) which was initially explained as an accounting error.

The actions of Steinhoff’s former CEO and alleged kingpin of the fraud, Markus Jooste, and other executives at Steinhoff crushed the company after it lost nearly 100% of its market value due to the fraud revelation­s.

The theft also cost the Public Investment Corporatio­n close to R21bn in investment­s. The matter came to light after Deloitte refused to sign off on the company’s 2017 results, with findings subsequent­ly made public including that financial informatio­n had been falsified.

The former CFO was in court alongside his co-accused, Stephanus Grobler, a previous executive of the now defunct company, who was in court seeking a trial postponeme­nt as well as review of his bail conditions. Grobler initially appeared in court on March 25 after his arrest three days earlier.

Jooste killed himself in the midst of trials in Germany and a day after the Financial Sector Conduct Authority fined him R475 million, the largest yet fine by the authority on an individual, for accounting irregulari­ties at the company.

Jooste, at the time of his death, was under investigat­ion by the National Prosecutin­g Authority in a criminal case and was set to face penalties of up to R15m or 10 years’ imprisonme­nt, or both.

A former employee of the South African Reserve Bank is still being investigat­ed for allegedly overseeing Steinhoff Internatio­nal’s cross-border transactio­ns in 2022.

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