Cape Argus

US Supreme Court rejects bid to restrict abortion pill


THE US Supreme Court yesterday rejected a bid to restrict an abortion pill widely used in the US to terminate pregnancie­s.

The court, in a unanimous opinion, said the anti-abortion groups and physicians challengin­g the medication, mifepristo­ne, lacked the legal standing to bring the case.

Abortion rights are one of the key issues in the November election and the administra­tion of Democratic President Joe Biden had urged the court to maintain access to the drug, which was approved by the Food and Drug Administra­tion (FDA) in 2000. His opponent, Donald Trump, leads a Republican Party broadly favouring blocks to abortion access. The mifepristo­ne case was the first significan­t abortion case heard by the conservati­ve-dominated Supreme Court since it overturned the previously long-held constituti­onal right to abortion two years ago.

“We recognise that many citizens, including the plaintiff doctors here, have sincere concerns about and objections to others using mifepristo­ne and obtaining abortions,” said Justice Brett Kavanaugh. “But citizens and doctors do not have standing to sue simply because others are allowed to engage in certain activities,” Kavanaugh said.

“The plaintiffs lack standing to challenge FDA’s actions.”

The conservati­ve justice said the federal courts were “the wrong forum for addressing the plaintiffs’ concerns about the FDA’s actions” and they could present their objections through regulatory procedures or through the “political and electoral processes”.

Abortion opponents have been seeking to restrict nationwide access to the pill, claiming it is unsafe and that anti-abortion doctors were being forced to violate their conscience by intervenin­g on patients who suffered complicati­ons after using it.

A conservati­ve US district court judge in Texas, who was appointed during Trump’s presidency, issued a ruling last year that would have banned mifepristo­ne. An appeals court overturned the outright ban because the statute of limitation­s on challengin­g the FDA’s approval had expired, but restricted access to the drug.

The appeals court reduced the period during which mifepristo­ne can be used from 10 weeks of pregnancy to seven weeks, blocked it from being delivered by mail, and required the pill to be prescribed and administer­ed by a doctor. The Supreme Court ruling lifts those restrictio­ns.

Medication abortion accounted for 63% of the abortions in the country last year, up from 53% in 2020.

Some 20 states have banned or restricted abortion.

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