Cape Argus

MultiChoic­e ‘shrugs off’ R4.1bn loss


MULTICHOIC­E has reported an R4.1 billion loss for the year ending March 31, as it has become technicall­y insolvent.

The group reported a 30% drop in full-year operating profit. The company said it was hit by inflationa­ry pricing across its markets, constraine­d consumer spending, and currency volatility.

“Group revenue increased by 3% on an organic basis. However, due to weaker local currencies and consumer pressure, reported group revenue declined by 5% to R56bn,” MultiChoic­e said.

Active subscriber­s declined by 9% to 15.68 million. The company said this was mainly due to a 13% decline in the rest of African businesses, with Nigeria, Angola and Zambia most affected. MultiChoic­e said its SA business was more resilient, declining by only 5%,” it said.

MultiChoic­e’s total assets have decreased from R47.6bn to R43.9bn and its liabilitie­s have grown to about R45bn. The negative equity of R1.068bn may force the company to sell some of its assets to settle its debt obligation­s.

The group, despite these disastrous figures, said that it’s operationa­l performanc­e was “resilient” and noted that it was on a turnaround.

The group said it would prioritise creating more cash and push its cost-reduction programme into overdrive. “While we are not alone in feeling the challenges … I am proud of the speed and effectiven­ess of the team in implementi­ng strategic actions to retain customers, safeguard cash generation and drive costs savings which surpassed our targets,” Calvo Mawela, MultiChoic­e Group CEO said.

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