Cape Argus

Putin swearing-in boycotted by West


RUSSIAN President Vladimir Putin said it was up to the West to choose between confrontat­ion and co-operation as he was sworn in for a new six-year term yesterday at a Kremlin ceremony that was boycotted by the US and many of its allies.

More than two years into the war in Ukraine, Putin said he wanted to “bow” before Russia’s soldiers there and declared in his inaugurati­on speech that his landslide re-election in March was proof the country was united and on the right track.

“You, citizens of Russia, have confirmed the correctnes­s of the country’s course. This is of great importance right now, when we face serious challenges,” he told dignitarie­s in a gilded Kremlin hall.

“I see in this a deep understand­ing of our common historical goals, a determinat­ion to adamantly defend our choice, our values, freedom and the national interests of Russia.”

At 71, Putin dominates the domestic political landscape. Leading opposition figures are in prison or exile, and his best known critic, Alexei Navalny, died suddenly in an Arctic penal colony in February. His widow, Yulia Navalnaya, urged supporters in a video yesterday to keep up the struggle against Putin. “With each of his terms, everything gets worse. It’s frightenin­g to imagine what else will happen while Putin remains in power,” she said.

On the internatio­nal stage, Putin is locked in a confrontat­ion with Western countries he accuses of using Ukraine as a vehicle to try to defeat and dismember Russia.

Putin told Russia’s political elite after being sworn in that he was not rejecting dialogue with the West, including on nuclear weapons.

“The choice is theirs: do they intend to continue trying to restrain the developmen­t of Russia, continue the policy of aggression, incessant pressure on our country for years, or look for a path to co-operation and peace?”

With Russia’s troops advancing gradually in eastern Ukraine, a top US intelligen­ce official said last week that Putin appeared to see domestic and internatio­nal developmen­ts trending in his favour and the conflict was unlikely to end anytime soon.

It remains unclear how far Putin will seek to press the war and on what terms he might discuss ending it – decisions that will depend in part on whether Joe Biden or Donald Trump wins the US presidenti­al election in November. Ukraine says peace can only come with a full withdrawal of Russia’s troops, who control nearly 20% of its territory.

Putin, in power as president or prime minister since 1999, will surpass Soviet leader Josef Stalin and become Russia’s longest-serving ruler since 18th century Empress Catherine the Great if he completes a new six-year term. He would then be eligible to seek re-election again. He won victory by a record margin in a tightly controlled election from which two anti-war candidates were barred on technical grounds. The opposition called it a sham. The US which said it did not consider his re-election free and fair, stayed away from yesterday’s ceremony. Britain, Canada and most EU nations also boycotted the swearing-in, but France said it would send its ambassador.

Ukraine said the event sought to create “the illusion of legality for the nearly lifelong stay in power of a person who has turned the Russian Federation into an aggressor state and the ruling regime into a dictatorsh­ip”.

Sergei Chemezov, a Putin ally, said Putin brought stability, something which even his critics should welcome.

Russia’s relations with the US and its allies are at their lowest point since the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962, when the world came to the brink of nuclear war. The West has provided Ukraine with artillery, tanks and long-range missiles, but Nato troops have not joined the conflict directly, something that both Putin and Biden have warned could lead to World War III.

Underscori­ng the rise in nuclear tensions, Russia said it would practise the deployment of tactical nuclear weapons as part of a military exercise, after threats from France, Britain and the US.

 ?? | Reuters ?? RUSSIAN President Vladimir Putin during his inaugurati­on ceremony at the Kremlin in Moscow yesterday.
| Reuters RUSSIAN President Vladimir Putin during his inaugurati­on ceremony at the Kremlin in Moscow yesterday.

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