Cape Argus

We lost a medical icon in the Gift of the Givers’ Dr Yakub Essack


NEVER in our history has one man done so much for so many on such a monumental scale. Across the heartland of South Africa, a multitude of people are mourning the passing away of Dr Yakub Essack, medical head of Gift of the Givers, who was an epitome of care and compassion.

The loss of Dr Essack is an irreparabl­e loss to our nation. An inspiring health profession­al committed to the common good of humanity.

An exceptiona­l caregiver, who in his lifetime pursued equality and equity in nationwide health, focusing on the humanistic and empathetic sides of medicine.

Very few can match his perfectly aligned moral compass. He will be remembered as an extraordin­ary man, kind, compassion­ate and empathetic.

His contributi­on during global conflicts is enshrined in our historical records. A fearless individual who defied the power of military might to render medical assistance.

Many will remember him for his palliative and medical care, understand­ing his patients as individual­s, listening to their pains, and helping them along every step of the way.

His immense contributi­ons to humanity should have made him worthy of a Nobel Prize.

A devastated community lost an exceptiona­l doctor, he epitomised the thorough medical specialist and diagnostic­an. He was holistic and patient-centred, long before these became buzzwords in the medical sphere. He took his role in his patient’s well-being seriously, like the captain of a ship, a master of clinical excellence.

As we grieve in memory of a truly unique person, it becomes clear that we are not alone in feeling a deep sense of appreciati­on and gratitude for this incredible caregiver and a man of compassion that we will never see again in our lifetime.

Dr Essack leaves a void and an enormous gap in our lives, an intellectu­al tour de force whose passing will impact the community for decades to come.

His humble, genuine demeanor is a legacy we shall all remember. In our hour of extreme sorrow, we feel the tremendous loss of such an esteemed individual. Africa can be proud of producing such an impeccable citizen, whose legacy will be remembered by generation­s to come.

May Almighty Allah grant him Janat ul Firdaus. Ameen.

 ?? ?? HEAD of The Gift of the Givers’ medical team, Dr Yakub Essack, is mourned by many.
HEAD of The Gift of the Givers’ medical team, Dr Yakub Essack, is mourned by many.

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