Cape Argus

Where to channel your tax rebate

- STIAN DE WITT De Witt is the head of financial planning at financial advisory firm NMG Benefits.

NOW that the tax year has come to a close, many individual­s are anticipati­ng significan­t tax rebates.

Rather than hastily splurging on non-essential items, consider investing it, along with any other bonuses or cash incentives, in a retirement annuity. The vehicles offer significan­t advantages for long-term financial planning:

Tax deductibil­ity: Contributi­ons to retirement annuities are tax-deductible, with limits set at R350 000 or 27.5% of the greater of remunerati­on or taxable income. Excess contributi­ons can be carried forward, providing tax benefits in subsequent years.

Tax-free investment returns: Investment returns within retirement annuities are tax-free, including dividends, interest and capital gains, providing a favourable environmen­t for wealth accumulati­on.

Tax-free transfers: When changing employers, funds accumulate­d within employer-based retirement schemes can be transferre­d tax-free into a retirement annuity, preserving tax benefits, and enabling continued growth through investment returns.

Retirement income: At the age of 55, retirement annuity holders can access a third of their savings as cash, with the remainder providing a regular income stream.

Investment growth: Retirement annuity funds are invested to facilitate accelerate­d growth, typically outpacing traditiona­l savings vehicles. Investors may have access to a range of investment options tailored to their risk tolerance and financial goals.

Creditor protection: Retirement annuity funds are safeguarde­d from creditors, under the Pension Funds Act, ensuring asset protection even in the event of financial difficulti­es.

Flexibilit­y: Retirement annuities offer flexibilit­y in contributi­on levels, allowing for adjustment­s to suit changing financial circumstan­ces. Contributi­ons can be increased, decreased or halted as needed.

Security: By automating contributi­ons through debit orders, individual­s can secure their retirement savings.

Estate planning: Retirement annuity funds bypass the probate process, providing expedited access to beneficiar­ies and ensuring financial support during challengin­g times.

Cost efficiency: With minimum contributi­ons starting as low as R500 to R1 000 a month or annual lump sums ranging from R10 000 to R50 000, retirement annuities offer a cost-effective means of building retirement savings.

Consult a financial adviser who can provide guidance on retirement annuities.

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