Cape Argus

Do IDF soldiers have a conscience, morals?


WHAT has been happening since 8 October 2023 is bizarre and unfathomab­le. Have you ever seen a country that calls itself the most democratic in west Asia, and its soldiers the most moral in the world, behave in contravent­ion of the required criteria for such titles?

Israel was exposed in real-time as the IDF soldiers transgress­ed almost every internatio­nal law, and behaved worse than the henchmen of the most notorious drug lord in the world.

Shockingly the IDF soldiers acted without blinking an eye. And spitting on the graves of hundreds of medical personnel, academics, and journalist­s and the thousands of innocent children and women, by stating that they were killed because Hamas used them as human shields. Who are they fooling?

An IDF soldier mistakenly killed three Israeli hostages who were shirtless, unarmed and waving a white flag. Add to this, an elderly Christian mother was shot in cold blood outside a church in Gaza City and when her daughter carried her to safety, she was also shot and killed by an IDF soldier.

And what about the senseless murder of the 6-year old Palestinia­n girl, Hind Rajab, who was the sole survivor of an Israeli tank attack on their car. She was in communicat­ion with the rescue services for more than three hours. An ambulance, whose route was approved by the IDF, was dispatched to Hind. On route, the ambulance was bombed and its two medics killed. Did Hind pose any threat to the IDF?

Did the IDF bar entry to Gaza to independen­t internatio­nal journalist­s so that they could have an open season in the Gaza strip? The entire world was dumbstruck, while witnessing how innocent children and women were slaughtere­d daily. Bear in mind that Israel, the oppressor, controls access to the Gaza strip, so no one is allowed entry into Gaza without the approval of the IDF.

But things changed drasticall­y when 7 employees of the World Central Kitchen were killed by IDF soldiers. Each of three vehicles was attacked in succession. And although the actions appeared to be deliberate, the IDF claimed that it was a mistake. The U.S, the closest ally of Israel, immediatel­y changed its approach to Israel.

Does it imply that 7 white lives are more valuable than 35000+ Palestinia­n lives?

ADIEL ISMAIL | Mountview

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