Cape Argus

No load shedding ‘not election strategy’


MINISTER of Electricit­y Kgosientsh­o Ramokgopa has shot down claims that “40 days without load shedding” is an electionee­ring strategy.

His denial follows widespread speculatio­n among citizens that the sudden cessation of power cuts was a result of political pressure and possibly part of an ANC campaign to ensure uninterrup­ted electricit­y supply.

“We are in the silly season and there are going to be several interpreta­tions,” said Ramokgopa, who is an ANC member. He insisted there was no correlatio­n between Eskom’s performanc­e and election day, May 29.

“When we ramped up planned maintenanc­e in December and January, little did we know there would be a big date with ballots,” he said.

Ramokgopa updated the media yesterday on the progress of the Energy Action Plan. South Africa has now had 40 consecutiv­e days without power cuts, marking the longest period of uninterrup­ted power supply in recent years.

Ramokgopa said the stability in supply is due to the solid plan to do away with load shedding. He said they have not used any Eskom turbine as of May.

“These machines are running on their own. I dispel the myth, the insinuatio­n that Eskom is buying itself out of the load shedding situation as a result of political pressure by an incumbent government that wants to perform better come May 29,” he said.

Eskom said the sudden improvemen­t in electricit­y generation was mainly due to maintenanc­e. Ramokgopa reiterated that the suspension of power cuts was to avoid further damage to the country. Load shedding remains suspended due to sustained improvemen­t in generation and a 4400MW reduction in unplanned outages.

 ?? ?? ELECTRICIT­Y Minister Kgosientsh­o Ramokgopa.
ELECTRICIT­Y Minister Kgosientsh­o Ramokgopa.

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