Cape Argus

Answers sought after driver killed in Philippi


A LONG distance bus owner is seeking answers after a driver was shot and killed in Philippi East.

Sandile Bence, 39, was waiting outside the Badela Tours coach when he was attacked by an unknown shooter at the Joe Gqabi bus terminus on Friday. The man had been a driver for eight years and was working for his uncle.

The owner of the bus company, Bonisile Bence, said: “I got a call around 7pm and I was told that Sandile was killed. We don’t know the cause of the shooting, but I know that it wasn’t a robbery attack, as he didn’t have money on him. The person only shot him and then fled the scene and didn’t take anything from him.”

He added that Bence was his nephew and had always been present since the first day they operated.

“I started this company with him in 2016, he was always around and he drove between Cape Town and the Eastern Cape.

“This is the first time that we got something like this, it has left us very shocked. On Friday he was going to drive to the Eastern Cape. He lived in Idutywa with his family and had children on that side.

“The sad thing is that we don’t know where this comes from and why he was targeted. Now his young children will grow without him.”

Police spokespers­on, Wesley Twigg, said the 39-year-old was shot multiple times.

“The circumstan­ces surroundin­g a shooting incident at a bus terminus in Philippi East on Friday, May 3, where a 39-year-old man was shot and fatally wounded are under investigat­ion.

“According to reports the victim was waiting for the bus to fill up and when he exited the bus he was approached by armed suspects who shot him.”

Anyone with any informatio­n about this shooting incident can contact Crime Stop at 0860010111.

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