Cape Argus

Department of Higher Education slams actor’s ‘honorary doctorate’


SOUTH African veteran actor Sello Maake KaNcube recently took to social media to announce that he is now a “doctor”.

He also took to Instagram to post pictures of him being conferred with an honorary doctorate by the Trinity Internatio­nal Bible University.

In the caption, KaNcube cited the Bible verse, Isaiah 43:2: “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you.”

He added: “Look at God! It’s now Dr Sello Maake kaNcube. Someone please tell my co-pilot, Pearl Mbewe Maake KaNcube, that she is no longer travelling this life journey with a national treasure, but with an honourable DR!”

The pictures caused a stir on social media.

The Department of Higher Education issued a statement, clarifying that Trinity Internatio­nal Bible University was not a registered private higher education institutio­n, nor was it authorised to offer any qualificat­ions, including honorary degrees.

Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, Professor Blade Nzimande, said he had become aware of reports on social media of honorary doctorates that have been awarded to some of the country’s top celebritie­s by Trinity Internatio­nal Bible University.

Gospel singers Winnie Mashaba and Rebecca Malope have also obtained doctorates from the institutio­n.

Nzimande said that the Department of Higher Education and Training had written to the university previously, warning them about continuing to operate illegally and urging it to regularise its operations.

He added the department has also asked the Council on Higher Education for guidance on how honorary qualificat­ions should be offered and by whom.

“We have nothing against Trinity Internatio­nal Bible University or the celebritie­s they have chosen to honour. We are, however, deeply disturbed by the persistent disregard for the department’s regulation­s by the management of Trinity Internatio­nal Bible University.

“The department is considerin­g more comprehens­ive and decisive action against Trinity Internatio­nal Bible University and all other individual­s or institutio­ns who continue to undermine the department’s regulation­s,” Nzimande said.

Nzimande said the department was willing to engage with the university and the celebritie­s it has honoured to better explain the department’s position.

 ?? | Instagram ?? SELLO Maake KaNcube.
| Instagram SELLO Maake KaNcube.

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