Cape Argus

GoodLuck’s Juliet Harding on creating music from the soul


AWARD-winning electronic band, GoodLuck, has spent much of the past few years setting stages alight in South Africa and abroad.

Renowned for their live electronic performanc­es, the group comprising Juliet Harding, Ben Peters and Tim Welsh, have had sold-out performanc­es in Ireland, the UK and Vietnam.

But for the first time in almost two years, they have released new music.

As is the case with their other musical offerings, the renowned homegrown band’s latest single, Goodbye My Friend, which features Afrotech duo, Frigid Armadillo, has a deeper meaning to it.

Harding, the group’s lead singer, explained to Independen­t Media Lifestyle recently that the song is dedicated to anyone who is experienci­ng some kind of loss.

She added that a personal encounter prompted the group to work on the new single.

“The song is inspired by my friends, who announced during a dinner that they were getting a divorce and that while they still loved each other, they felt that splitting up was better for their personal growth.

“I was shocked by the mature way they were handling their divorce and after the dinner, I decided to write the song as a way of processing my own feelings on the matter,” she said.

“It turned out to be an interestin­g song and different people will be able to relate to it in different ways, whether they are going through a breakup, grieving or dealing with toxic family members or friendship­s.”

Following the release of Goodbye My Friend, Harding said that they plan to release more new music this year.

“We have spent some time doing gigs and touring, so it doesn't really feel like we have gone anywhere, but it does feel good to be back to writing and releasing new music.”

Since they burst onto the scene in 2011, GoodLuck’s offerings, such as Waiting for Summer and I Feel Alive, have dominated the music charts and have notched millions of streams online.

They have also collaborat­ed with top artists such as DJ Ganyani, Craig Lucas and Ice Prince and have performed alongside the likes of Pharrell Williams, Groove Armada and Basement Jaxx.

Harding believes that one of the secrets of their success is that their music is wide-ranging.

“We have always made a diverse array of music and we don’t necessaril­y prescribe to a certain sound.

“We just try to be as true to the song as we possibly can and our motto is to make the song the hero.”

The GoodLuck lead singer added that they are determined to help as many people as they can through their music.

“Many of our songs are centred on positivity and nature, and for me personally, I do what I do to make the world a better place, as clichéd as that may sound.

“I feel personally obligated to use my musical talents to help people improve their lives.

“As a songwriter, music is not about me as a person. I believe I was chosen to be a portal for different ideas and that I should be open to the world, and then it is up to the world to decide if they are open to the messages that I put out there.”

Harding is also proud to be a musician from South Africa, a country she believes produces “pure and honest music”.

“What makes South African music so special is that it is unique.

“A lot of the pop music out there is so generic, but in Africa, we express ourselves from our souls.”

GoodLuck are also set to welcome a “little fourth wheel” as Harding jokingly described it, later this year.

Harding jokingly added that GoodLuck is also set to welcome a “little fourth wheel” later this year.

Harding and Peters are looking forward to the birth of their daughter in June and she acknowledg­ed that this would be a massive life change.

“Ben and I have all the right intentions for the baby and we will put these intentions out there, but no matter what happens, our child will always come first.

“We will plan as much as we can, but we are also going to try to take it one day at a time.”

The three-piece band plans to take a small break from their live performanc­es as they prepare for the birth, but Harding said they should return in the summer.

“Things might get a little quieter for us over the next few months, but we will still be in the background making and releasing music.”

 ?? ?? GOODLUCK, comprising Tim Welsh, Juliet Harding and Ben Peters, has released new music after two years. Harding and Peters (right) are expecting a baby. | Supplied
GOODLUCK, comprising Tim Welsh, Juliet Harding and Ben Peters, has released new music after two years. Harding and Peters (right) are expecting a baby. | Supplied

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