Cape Argus

Trump hush-money trial


NEW York prosecutor­s yesterday began telling a jury why Donald Trump’s alleged cover-up of a hush money payment to a porn star during his 2016 campaign broke the law, as the first-ever criminal trial of a former U.S. president got under way.

“This case is about conspiracy of fraud,” prosecutor Matthew Colangelo told the jury. “The defendant, Donald Trump, orchestrat­ed a criminal scheme to corrupt the 2016 presidenti­al election.”

Lawyers for the Republican presidenti­al candidate will also make their opening statement in what may be the only one of Trump’s four criminal prosecutio­ns to go to trial before his November 5 election rematch with Democratic President Joe Biden.

Though Trump called for supporters to protest peacefully at courthouse­s “all over the country”, few were on hand to greet him when he arrived at the downtown courthouse. Trump suggested tight security measures were responsibl­e for the sparse turnout, but the streets surroundin­g the courthouse were open to the public. “Lower Manhattan surroundin­g the Courthouse, where I am heading now, is completely CLOSED DOWN. SO UNFAIR!!!” he wrote on social media.

Prosecutor­s say Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen’s $130 000 (about R2 500 000) payment to porn star Stormy Daniels for her silence about an alleged sexual encounter with Trump a decade earlier deceived voters in the waning days of Trump’s 2016 campaign, when he was facing other revelation­s of sexual misbehavio­ur.

As the trial opened, Justice Juan Merchan ruled that prosecutor­s would be able to ask Trump, if he testifies, about two other court cases: one that found he fraudulent­ly misstated the value of his real estate assets, and another that found he defamed writer E Jean Carroll after she accused him of rape.

Merchan also said prosecutor­s would be able to show jurors a transcript of a tape from the Access Hollywood TV show in which Trump makes vulgar comments about grabbing women’s genitals, though jurors will not be allowed to see the tape itself.

Trump stared at the judge and occasional­ly spoke to his lawyer. A Secret Service agent wearing an earpiece sat directly behind him.

Trump has pleaded not guilty to 34 counts of falsificat­ion of business records brought by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg and denies having had a sexual encounter with Daniels.

The case is seen by many legal experts as the least consequent­ial of the Trump prosecutio­ns. A guilty verdict would not bar him from taking office, but it could hurt his candidacy.

Reuters/Ipsos polling shows half of independen­t voters and one in four Republican­s say they would not vote for Trump if he is convicted of a crime.

Prosecutor­s have said the Daniels payment was part of a broader “catch and kill” scheme hatched by Trump, Cohen and David Pecker – the former chief executive of tabloid publisher American Media – to pay off people with potentiall­y damaging informatio­n about Trump before the November 2016 election. Trump defeated Democrat Hillary Clinton.

Colangelo said Trump said in his business records that he was paying Cohen for legal expenses.

“Those were lies. There was no retainer agreement, Cohen was not being paid for legal services,” Colangelo said. “The defendant falsified those business records because he wanted to conceal his and others’ criminal conduct.”

The defendant disguised his reimbursem­ents to Michael Cohen through 11 falsified invoices, 12 falsified ledger entries, and 11 falsified checks, Colangelo said.

Pecker is the first witness prosecutor­s plan to call after opening statements, the New York Times and

CNN reported on Sunday. According to prosecutor­s, Pecker agreed during an August 2015 meeting with Trump and Cohen to act as the campaign’s “eyes and ears” by looking out for negative stories about Trump.

American Media, which publishes the National Enquirer, in 2018 admitted that it paid $150 000 to former Playboy magazine model Karen McDougal for rights to her story about a monthslong affair with Trump in 2006 and 2007.

American Media said it worked “in concert” with Trump’s campaign, and it never published a story.

The tabloid reached a similar deal to pay $30 000 to a doorman who was seeking to sell a story about Trump allegedly fathering a child out of wedlock, which turned out to be false, according to prosecutor­s.

Trump has said the payments were personal and did not violate election law. He has also denied the affair with McDougal.

In the New York trial, Trump is charged with falsely recording his 2017 reimbursem­ent of Cohen for the Daniels payment as a legal expense in his real estate company’s books. Prosecutor­s say he did so to conceal the fact that Cohen’s payment exceeded the $2 700 limit on individual campaign contributi­ons at the time.

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