Cape Argus

Police officers and a clerk get five years in jail for bribery


TWO former police officers and a clerk have been sentenced to five years direct imprisonme­nt after accepting a R700 bribe from a couple arrested for theft.

Siyabulela Klaas and Mzimasi Soji were stationed at Khayelitsh­a police station, while Phumelele Solani was an administra­tive clerk at Harare police station when they accepted the bribe in 2016.

The National Prosecutin­g Authority (NPA) said the Bellville Specialise­d Commercial Crimes Court sentenced the trio to eight years direct imprisonme­nt for corruption, with three years suspended for five years.

They were also sentenced to 12 months imprisonme­nt for attempting to obstruct the administra­tion of justice, and Soji was sentenced to 12 months for obstructin­g the administra­tion of justice. The court ordered the sentences to run concurrent­ly, effectivel­y sentencing each accused to five years direct imprisonme­nt.

State prosecutor advocate Ezmeralda Johnson argued that police received informatio­n about a stolen generator at a shop in Site C, Khayelitsh­a, in October 2016.

“Police found the generator at the mentioned address on October 26, 2016, and arrested Mzoxolo Sigwela and Siyabonga Thabatha. Hlombekazi Fani was later arrested when she arrived at the Khayelitsh­a police station. Sigwela and Fani are husband and wife and live at the address where police found the generator.”

The NPA noted that Klaas said they could make a plan to release the three if they paid R600, R200 for each officer.

Fani was released that evening after signing a statement drafted by Soji, which stated that on the day they were arrested, she was in Butterwort­h in the Eastern Cape.

An investigat­ion also showed that Klaas never filed Fani’s statement in a docket and a statement commission­ed by Soji was found in Soji’s locker.

Western Cape director of public prosecutio­ns Nicolette Bell welcomed the sentence, saying there was no place for corrupt government officials.

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