Cape Argus

Parents of boy who shot schoolmate­s face jail time


A MONTH after a Michigan woman was convicted of manslaught­er in a school shooting carried out by her son, the boy’s father faces trial for the same unusual charge.

Opening statements began yesterday in the trial of James Crumbley, 47, who faces four counts of involuntar­y manslaught­er for allegedly ignoring warning signs about his son’s mental state and not securing the semi-automatic pistol that prosecutor­s say he bought as a Christmas present for his son, Ethan.

That was just days before Ethan Crumbley, then 15, used the gun in the 2021 shooting, killing four fellow students at Oxford High School near Detroit. Ethan Crumbley pleaded guilty in 2022 to four counts of first-degree murder and other charges and was sentenced to life in prison without parole in December.

Jennifer Crumbley’s trial, which ended with her conviction on February 6, was the first time a parent faced such a charge stemming from a US school shooting by a child. Lawyers for James Crumbley maintain that he had no way of knowing that his son would carry out the shooting, and that he had securely stored the firearm in the family’s home. Jennifer Crumbley made similar arguments during trial.

James Crumbley’s lawyers argued before Sixth Judicial Circuit Court Judge Cheryl Matthews in February that he would not be able to get a fair trial following his wife’s conviction. They asked that the trial be moved but Matthews denied that request.

Prosecutor­s said on the morning of the shootings, a teacher discovered drawings by Ethan Crumbley depicting a handgun, a bullet and a bleeding figure next to the words “Blood everywhere,” “My life is useless,” and “The thoughts won’t stop – help me.”

The Crumbleys were summoned to the school that morning and told that Ethan needed counseling and they needed to take him home, according to prosecutor­s. The couple resisted taking their son home and did not search his backpack or ask him about the gun, prosecutor­s said.

Ethan Crumbley was returned to class and later walked out of a bathroom with the gun and began firing, according to prosecutor­s.

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