Cape Argus

Zionist imperialis­m is ‘destined to fail’


GOD the Creator of all that exists forbids injustice and cruelty and demands mercy and beauty.

Thus a Palestinia­n victory over a Zionist genocide is inevitable because light will conquer darkness and justice will always prevail over injustice as this is ingrained and woven into the pattern of history.

Zionists who migrated from Slavic Eastern Europe kill innocent Palestinia­n women and children and confirm this evil by celebratin­g their arrogance. The creator forbids cruelty as this action is pagan. Zionists kill and starve millions of innocent Palestinia­ns and this cruelty is watched by heaven above.

Those who worship the God of Abraham, Isaac and Ismail know the Palestinia­ns are descendant­s of Abraham through the line of Jacob, whom God especially loved.

God will not allow those who harm the offspring of Prophets to go unpunished. The blood of the Palestinia­ns has soaked the Holy Land for nearly a century. This genocide will generate another generation that will in time rise against the Zionist invaders from Europe that fabricated an untruth claiming a right to the Holy Land.

European Zionists created and repeated an untruth against God by claiming a divine historical right.

God has clarified that the Holy Land is reserved for God’s “Holy People” and Zionists from Europe who migrated to Palestine are not “Holy People”. “Holy People” do not indulge in genocide. “Holy People” do not utilise usury which is forbidden in the Torah, Bible and Qur’an. “Holy People” do not regard themselves as racially superior as it is forbidden. “Holy People” do not support LGBTQ.

The Holy People destined to dominate the Holy Land are those with great love, mercy and compassion. A people that other nations will revere for their spirituali­ty, not fear for their cruelty.

The Holy People that must govern the Holy Land and the entire world are the vanguard of justice and the epitome of everything seeking first to honour the God of the Torah, Bible and Qur’an. Holy People cannot be genocidal maniacs who starve and kill innocent women and children and enjoy it.

God does not limit mercy to an ethnic group as this is unjust and God is essentiall­y justice.

CLLR YAGYAH ADAMS | Cape Muslim Congress

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