Cape Argus

SACP condemns ‘genocidal’ Israel


THE SACP condemns in the strongest terms possible, the latest genocidal act committed by the colonial and apartheid Israeli state in the Palestinia­n city of Rafah in southern Gaza.

On Monday, Israel launched a new round of attacks focusing on Rafah in the Gaza strip, killing at least 67 Palestinia­ns. Today a home to almost half of Gaza’s 2.3 million citizens who fled there, in addition to the 280 000 people who already lived there, the city of Rafah is regarded as the last standing refugee camp from which the Palestinia­n people have nowhere to run amid heavy bombardmen­t by Israel. Israeli authoritie­s have continued to push for more military attacks on Palestinia­ns in Rafah.

The settler state’s killing machine continues to wipe out more Palestinia­n lives a mere 17 days since the order by the Internatio­nal Court of Justice (ICJ) against Israel to take all possible measures to prevent the crime of genocide against the Palestinia­n people in the Gaza Strip. Israel has killed over 28 340 Palestinia­ns in Gaza since it launched its genocidal offensive on October 7, 2023, of which at least 75% are children, women and elderly people.

The death toll includes 152 UNRelief and Works Agency staff killed by the Israeli occupation army. Over 67 984 Palestinia­ns were wounded. More than 7 000 Palestinia­ns are still buried under the rubble of destroyed homes, including over 5 000 children.

The SACP reiterates its message of solidarity with the Palestinia­n people and condemns Israel’s disregard of the ICJ order and human rights.

It is clear the colonial Israeli regime is unprepared to heed the dictates of internatio­nal law, and does so with the support of its imperialis­t benefactor, the US.

The SACP further reiterates its support for the Palestinia­n people’s right to resist occupation of their land by the colonial regime of Israel.

The SACP also calls for deepened unity among justice loving people across the world to isolate apartheid Israel.


National spokespers­on and political bureau secretary for Policy and Research

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