Cape Argus

Learner stabbed, hit with a brick near school


A LEARNER from JG Meiring High is recovering in hospital after he was hit on the head with a brick and stabbed outside the Goodwood school on Monday.

The attack happened as the 16-yearold Grade 11 learner was boarding his school transport on the corner of Dingle and Elize streets.

The incident was alleged to have been instigated by a former female learner who had called her boyfriend to assault the learner.

Some learners took the victim back to the school after he was stabbed, where they waited for the ambulance to arrive.

Yesterday morning, about 20 parents demonstrat­ed outside the school.

Their protest followed an earlier one, three weeks ago, during which they called for the removal of the principal for alleged lack of communicat­ion with parents.

They described how their children were traumatise­d by Monday’s violent incident.

Tasneem Johnson, said: “When I heard on the group that there was a stabbing at the school I became worried and I thought of my child, who was bullied just last week. I called him and when I couldn’t reach him I got really frustrated because I thought he was stabbed. He is so traumatise­d and so are we, as parents we send our children to this school thinking that they are safe but they are not.”

School Governing Body (SGB) chairperso­n, Ravell Roberts, said they held a meeting on Monday following the assault.

“We had the meeting to review the incident and see what additional precaution­ary measures we can put in place.

“We indicated that we want to take some responsibi­lity, we want parents to volunteer and assist before and after school, to make sure their kids are safe.”

Education MEC David Maynier’s spokespers­on, Kerry Mauchline, said they were made aware of the stabbing.

“An unknown assailant allegedly stabbed a Grade 11 learner outside the school property, and the victim was brought back into the school property before being taken to hospital in an ambulance.

“Our district support team will be at the school on Wednesday morning to provide counsellin­g to learners and teachers, and SAPS will investigat­e the incident. We appeal to anyone with any informatio­n that could lead to the arrest of the perpetrato­r to contact the SAPS immediatel­y.”

Police spokespers­on Wesley Twigg said that they were investigat­ing the incident.

“According to reports, the victim was on his way home from school when he was attacked by a group of boys. An assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm case was registered for investigat­ion,” said Twigg.

Anyone with informatio­n can contact Crime Stop at 0860010111.

 ?? ?? CONCERNED parents picket at JG Meiring High School, calling for the principal to be removed.
CONCERNED parents picket at JG Meiring High School, calling for the principal to be removed.

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