Cape Argus

FIC ruling a ‘significan­t victory’ in Sekunjalo Group’s battle with banks


IN A landmark victory for the Sekunjalo Group of Companies (Sekunjalo), Western Cape High Court Judge Daniel Thulare yesterday ruled that the Financial Intelligen­ce Centre (FIC) must hand over all documents pertaining to Sekunjalo, its subsidiari­es, as well as those pertaining to EOH and Tongaat Hulett.

Sekunjalo Investment Holdings chairman Dr Iqbal Survé said: “Sekunjalo welcomes the decision by the high court in favour of compelling the FIC to provide the documents we have been asking for.

“This is a significan­t victory for us as we have maintained from the beginning that there has been no basis for any of our accounts to be closed, as there is no wrongdoing by any of our companies.

“The decision to close our accounts has been motivated by political interferen­ce and is tantamount to economic sabotage in an effort to destroy the country’s biggest black-owned media house, along with other Sekunjalo-owned entities.”

Sekunjalo is currently suing several major banks in South Africa for bias and racial discrimina­tion, and has launched several concurrent lawsuits to support its Equality Court case.

The group had asked the FIC on several occasions to provide it with documentar­y proof that the banks had complied with the Financial Intelligen­ce Centre Act 38 of 2001 (Fica), and submitted informatio­n to FIC relating to concerns over Sekunjalo and how it conducted its business, prior to closing all Sekunjalo-related bank accounts.

As the FIC had not been forthcomin­g, Sekunjalo had no option other than to compel the FIC.

In the judgment handed down yesterday, Judge Thulare granted Sekunjalo and its co-applicants, the right to access in terms of section 40(1)(e) and section 41 (d) and (e) of Fica.

In addition to the FIC providing documentat­ion, Sekunjalo will now also have access to the risk management and compliance programmes of Absa Bank Ltd, FirstRand Bank Ltd, Investec Bank Ltd, Nedbank Limited and Standard Bank of South Africa Limited, who are respondent banks or accounting institutio­ns who have been cited in the main Equality Court applicatio­n.

Further, Sekunjalo was now entitled to receive all reports of suspicious and unusual transactio­ns made to the FIC by accounting institutio­ns in respect of EOH Holdings and its subsidiari­es, KPMG Services Proprietar­y Limited South Africa, Steinhoff Internatio­nal Holdings NV and Tongaat Hulett Developmen­t.

Judge Thulare noted: “I find that the applicants have establishe­d their right to their informatio­n sought. Fairness and equity, and our constituti­onal values of openness and transparen­cy, favour that the applicants be granted access to the reports which the respondent banks provided to the FIC as regards reputation­al and business risk as well as anti-bribery legal and regulatory framework.

“This is part of the portfolio of evidence that is material to determine whether the applicants were unfairly discrimina­ted against, as they allege. The disclosure of this confidenti­al informatio­n held by the FIC will help in the proper determinat­ion of the issues in the main applicatio­n.”

In terms of the ruling, the required informatio­n is to be provided to Sekunjalo within 20 days of the date of the order, and the FIC is to pay the costs.

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