Cape Argus

SA reacts to Londie London’s hijacked BMW: ‘Girl didn’t know it was hijacked’


LONDIE London is at it again, stirring up the chatter in the town square. For the past few months, she’s been grabbing headlines for everything from baby daddy drama to some car chaos.

The former Real Housewives of Durban star has found herself back in the spotlight after her ex, Sphamandla Mabonga, got caught up in a shoot-out saga at a nightclub in Sandton.

This time, London is making headlines over a hijacked BMW 330i that the police snagged.

Rumour has it that this ride, which was flaunted on her social media last year when Mabonga handed over the keys after the car, was allegedly hijacked in KwaZulu-Natal.

Sunday World reported that the impounding of the vehicle was confirmed by a source close to the police.

This revelation comes as authoritie­s investigat­e Mabonga in connection with a shooting at Tempo Luxury Restaurant in Rivonia, Sandton.

To fuel the fire, the news and gossip page MDNews shared X screenshot­s featuring an unknown man’s prediction­s of London’s downfall from early last year. Phrases like, “I’m giving her 8 months”, were thrown in.

@NtebaliMas­oabi said: “Not all glitters is gold.”

@Evidence_Shongw said: “That’s enough time for an investigat­ion to conclude.”

@DilotsaT added his two cents: “Not sure why the blame is put on Londiwe by your commentato­rs. Girl didn’t know it was hijacked and there’s nothing wrong with her dating a guy she thinks has his s*** together & loaded enough to help her live the life. Being wanted while you have kids, must be a blessing to her.”

@Kgopotso_Pule agreed: “I’d like to believe she was a beneficiar­y of criminal activities but not aware the car that was gifted to her was actually stolen.”

@Katleho272­09310 wrote: “That’s what these guys do knowing women’s cars are rarely thoroughly searched when stopped.”

Mabonga was scheduled to appear in the Randburg Magistrate’s Court on Monday but he couldn't make it because he was still in hospital under police supervisio­n.

 ?? | Instagram ?? Londie London.
| Instagram Londie London.

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