Cape Argus

High-speed crash: Tatum gets justice


THE mother of the matriculan­t who was killed when a car ploughed into her in Bonteheuwe­l said she was not happy with the 3-year sentence handed down to the driver yesterday.

The impact of the crash had flung Tatum Hendricks, 18, on to a neighbour’s roof, while another victim, 28, was injured.

The incident happened when Gershwin Jacobs admittedly drove at high speed along Bonteheuwe­l Avenue on October 9, 2022.

He also admitted that he did not have a driving licence, and had a learner’s licence in 2002.

The 34-year-old man was sentenced yesterday in the Parow Regional Court.

The father of three had been out on R3000 bail.

He was sentenced to three years for culpable homicide and 12 months for reckless and negligent driving.

The sentences will run concurrent­ly.

Jacobs broke down as he testified for the last time, trying to convince the magistrate not to give him prison time.

“I have three young children aged 5, 4 and 1. I am their primary caregiver and I take care of them financiall­y. I pay rent and take care of the financial needs at home as my life partner is unemployed.

“I understood that I could go to prison but I didn’t discuss with my partner how my children are going to survive without me.”

He added that he had apologised to Hendricks’s mother, Mishka Adams.

“I kept asking myself why the Lord didn’t take me instead. Why did it have to be someone’s child who lost her life?”

Tears flowed from Adams as the magistrate sentenced Jacobs yesterday.

“No amount of sentencing is going to bring my child back.

“He’s still going to have the opportunit­y to see his children grow.

“I’m never going to see my child again, I’ll never be able to see her prosper in her ambitions that she had in life. I’ll never see her get married and have my first grandchild.

“In three years’ time, he will get to see his children grow, he may even be out before the sentence is over, depending on his behaviour.”

Bonteheuwe­l ward councillor, Angus Mckenzie accompanie­d Adams to court.

“The family is now able to put this to bed and somewhat move on. Jacobs, who pleaded guilty, was finally sentenced after 484 days and there was finally a little justice for Tatum.

“Mishka will never see her daughter again. It is sad that the long arm of justice sometimes does not give justice to those who feel the pain the most. We will never forget Tatum.”

 ?? ?? TATUM Hendricks was killed when an unlicensed driver sped into her.
TATUM Hendricks was killed when an unlicensed driver sped into her.

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