Cape Argus

WHO urges more countries to clamp down on deadly ‘trans fats’


THE World Health Organizati­on said yesterday that nearly half the world’s population was now covered by solid rules limiting trans fat in foods and urged lagging countries to catch up.

The WHO appealed in 2018 for industrial­ly produced fatty acids in foods to be eliminated worldwide by 2023, amid evidence they caused 500 000 premature deaths every year.

The target was not met and was pushed back to 2025.

But 53 countries covering 46% of the world’s population are now implementi­ng best practice policies on the toxic substance -- up from 11 countries and 6% in 2018.

The WHO estimates that about 183 000 lives a year are being saved.

“Trans fat has no known health benefit, but huge health risks,” WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesu­s said. “We are very pleased that so many countries have introduced policies banning or limiting trans fat in food,” he said.

Seven countries implemente­d best practice policies in 2023: Egypt, Mexico, Moldova, Nigeria, North Macedonia, the Philippine­s and Ukraine.

The solidified oil that clogs up arteries around the heart is often used in packaged foods, baked goods, cooking oils and spreads like margarine.

Food producers use trans fat because they allow a longer shelf life and are cheaper than some alternativ­es.

Best practice on eliminatin­g trans fat means either a mandatory national limit of two grammes of industrial­lyproduced trans fat per 100 grammes of total fat in all foods; or a national ban on the production or use of partially-hydrogenat­ed oils, which are a major source of trans fat.

Yesterday, Tedros awarded the WHO’s first-ever certificat­es validating progress in eliminatin­g industrial­ly produced trans-fatty acids, during a ceremony at the UN health agency’s headquarte­rs in Geneva.

The recipients were Denmark, Lithuania, Poland, Saudi Arabia and Thailand. To be eligible, countries must implement best practice, and then back it up with rigorous monitoring and enforcemen­t systems.

Certified countries will have to submit updated data every three years to retain their status.

Tedros urged other countries to follow their lead, and called for talks to keep the food industry onside.

Danish ambassador to the UN in Geneva Ib Petersen said policies adopted in Denmark are thought to have reduced coronary heart disease in the country by 11%.

“It is the most financiall­y disadvanta­ged groups who will benefit the most,” he told the ceremony.

Cardiovasc­ular diseases are the leading cause of death globally. An estimated 17.9 million people died from such diseases in 2019, of which 85% were due to heart attacks and strokes.

Getting rid of trans fats is seen as an easy way to reduce the numbers.

“Trans fat eliminatio­n is economical­ly, politicall­y, and technicall­y feasible and saves lives at virtually no cost to government­s or consumers,” said Tom Frieden, president of the non-profit organisati­on Resolve to Save Lives, which is partnering with the WHO on trans fat. This harmful compound is unnecessar­y, and no one misses it when it’s gone.”

Countries without regulation­s risk becoming trans fat “dumping grounds”, experts warned.

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