Cape Argus

The sooner we have the polls the better


WHILE it is true that we are all entitled to voice our opinions on matters of national importance, I just don’t see how postponing the 2024 elections could help the situation in which we find ourselves.

On the contrary, any delay would make a bad, chaotic situation even worse.

First, with the proliferat­ion of political parties happening weekly, we would possibly end up having more political parties than voters – a scenario that would inevitably guarantee the ANC a majority win.

Secondly, postponing would be playing into the hands of unscrupulo­us politician­s who are determined to win by any means possible, by affording them enough time to acquire as many fake SA IDs as possible for foreigners, who are promised a better life in South Africa if they vote for a particular political party.

It would be naive for South Africans to hope for free and fair elections this time; the stakes are high and vote-rigging will be part of the game, for those who do not have the interests of the country at heart but are craving for only one thing, ‘their turn to eat’.

Above all, the many problems plaguing the country will be exacerbate­d by any postponeme­nt. The sooner we have the 2024 elections, the better.

If we have to be honest and realistic about our political situation, guided by our Constituti­on which was designed to protect the ANC, it cannot be easily wished away, but we are in this mess today due to some of the provisions of the Constituti­on.

If we want to save our country, we have to thoroughly examine the Constituti­on, amend those areas that have led to the downfall and destructio­n of the country before the elections, and then whoever governs this country after the elections will be guided by a new Constituti­on that guarantees stability and prosperity for all the citizens of South Africa.


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