Cape Argus

City warns of water outages


THE City of Cape Town has advised residents of Claremont and Newlands of water outages as a result of a planned water supply maintenanc­e.

The City’s water and sanitation directorat­e said it would be doing planned work in the identified areas, resulting in water supply disruption­s.

The maintenanc­e work and planning for the replacemen­t of defective isolation valves will result in water supply disruption to the following areas: Claremont/Newlands – between Main Road, Albion Road, Klipper Road and Dean Street, as well as Bank Road, Arbor Road, Mount Road and surrounds

The main water supply to this area will be shut off temporaril­y between 9am and 6pm tomorrow.

The City said some areas would experience low water pressure and others no water.

The maintenanc­e was reportedly planned after a compromise­d sewer pipe was discovered over the water line in ward 71, causing a number of residents to experience water outages for several days. The outage was reportedly caused by a burst pipe on December 2.

Yesterday evening, ward councillor Carolynne Franklin said the water was being restored and that the lines would be fully charged and back to normal by 8pm.

“The first pipe was compromise­d by a Bedouin tent peg hammered into it. This event led to another burst pipe and a valve malfunctio­n. That then led to a third burst and the subsequent issue as you have mentioned above,” Franklin said.

All of this took place between January 2 and January 7.

“And all essentiall­y without respite from the water outage.”

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