Cape Argus


Nzimande, Khosa reject claims of kickbacks


HIGHER Education Minister Blade Nzimande and National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) board chairperso­n Ernest Khosa have dismissed yet another damning investigat­ive report by the Organisati­on Undoing Tax Abuse (Outa).

On Thursday, Outa released its latest report following a series of similar investigat­ive reports into tender corruption and mismanagem­ent of student funds at NSFAS, while calling for Nzimande and Khosa’s resignatio­n.

The report follows leaked voice recordings of meetings between Khosa and a representa­tive of a service provider as well as a third unknown person. Khosa reportedly met Thula Ntumba, the husband of Tshegofats­o Ntumba, a Coinvest director.

Coinvest is one of four service providers appointed for the disburseme­nt of student funding. A previous investigat­ion by Outa found that NSFAS hired businesses without banking licences or VAT registrati­ons to handle the direct payment of student allowances.

The recordings were brought to light by a whistle-blower, with Outa stating that it would be shared with the authoritie­s, including the Special Investigat­ing Unit (SIU), public protector, SA Revenue Service and the auditor-general.

According to Outa, the recordings reveal how service providers “allegedly paid millions of rand in kickbacks to Nzimande and Khosa, as well as at least R1million to the SACP. This was done in return for tenders and protection for service providers.”

Nzimande also serves as the SACP national chairperso­n. The SACP has denied sourcing funds illegitima­tely.

While claiming that there was nothing illegally done by NSFAS CEO Andile Nongongo, Khosa said this was all part of a plan by the ANC, which he referred to as the “enemy”, while particular­ly mentioning Deputy Higher Education Minister Buti Manamela and “friends” in an attempt to remove the minister and the NSFAS board.

“Let us be seen to be taking action,” he said, referring to the decision to investigat­e Nongogo, which was led by Werksmans Attorneys relating to a conflict of interest in the appointmen­t of service providers, as well as his work with the Services Sector Education and Training Authority (Seta).

“The pressure will cease on us and on the minister, in particular him because the target was him by these guys from Luthuli House. Our enemies is the ANC, it’s not Outa,” he said.

He also referred to an investigat­ion as a waste of money. “We’re going to waste about half-a-million rand just investigat­ing that.”

He also revealed that the terms of reference of the investigat­ion would be decided by himself and that they could exclude certain elements.

“You get a firm you can manage. One of the reasons why I’m going there is that he must tell me which firm. He must give me the firms.”

Outa said companies linked to Ntumba were awarded tenders worth millions in the past by different Setas and more recently at NSFAS.

“The recordings confirm that Ntumba and his associates financiall­y looked after people like Nzimande, Khosa and Nongogo. They, in turn, rewarded Ntumba and companies linked to him with contracts.”

Outa said it would be writing to President Cyril Ramaphosa, requesting Nzimande’s removal as a Cabinet inister and Khosa’s removal as NSFAS chairperso­n. Criminal complaints against Nzimande, Khosa and Ntumba would also be opened.

In a statement, NSFAS said it had noted with “outrage” the statement calling for the resignatio­ns.

The statement further said the chairperso­n would be providing more informatio­n to the public “at an appropriat­e time”, including attempted threats on his life following the implementa­tion of the Werksman Attorneys report.

In a statement on Friday, the Higher Education Department said the minister had never used any money from any of the department’s entities for the purpose of funding the SACP.

The department’s media liaison officer, Veli Mbele, said: “The minister reserves his right to take the necessary legal action. At the moment, the minister is weighing his options and will make a further announceme­nt at the appropriat­e time.”

 ?? ?? NATIONAL Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) board chairperso­n Ernest Khosa.
NATIONAL Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) board chairperso­n Ernest Khosa.

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