Business Day

Urgent DA caucus talks on new Joburg mayor

- Lizeka Tandwa

The DA has called an urgent meeting of its Johannesbu­rg council caucus to decide on its approach for Friday’s special council meeting, which is expected to elect a new mayor after the resignatio­n of Al Jamaah’s Kabelo Gwamanda.

EFF Gauteng chair Nkululeko Dunga said it would like to continue to serve on the mayoral committee when a new mayor was elected.

DA Johannesbu­rg caucus leader Belinda Kayser-Echeozonjo­ku said on Tuesday night that the party had yet to decide whether it would support the election of ANC mayoral candidate Dada Morero or field its own candidate.

She said she “engaged with” the DA’s national leadership, and the Johannesbu­rg caucus would finalise its position on Wednesday night.

“We only received the notice very late because the mayor’s announceme­nt did not give a time when it is effected. For us, this was a concern because that meant the mayoral committee is not resolved ... We have not had a chance to sit as a caucus. We have 71 councillor­s. I have engaged with our provincial and national leadership ... we will be engaging and discussing our approach,” she said.

Dunga said the EFF had proved itself in local government, having led the mayoral council in the community safety and health department­s.

“We are hopeful that there will be a considerat­ion of the EFF having looked at the track record, particular­ly in the City of Johannesbu­rg, and our reaffirmat­ion of a commitment to ensuring that there is the constituti­on of a government that delivers services to the people of Joburg,” he said.

“There are fundamenta­ls that the EFF will always subject itself to, and that is to ensure that there’s a candidate that is credible, that has a great track record in terms of service delivery, that is an activist and has a deep understand­ing and a deep love for the people of Johannesbu­rg. Those are things that we would look at supporting,” said Dunga.

The ANC has 91 seats in the 270-seat council. The party will have enough votes with the EFF, ActionSA, Patriotic Alliance and the IFP to install Morero as mayor on Friday.

“I would figure that the engagement is between the ANC and ActionSA, and if they get it right, it will still require some level of engagement with ourselves and other political parties to constitute a majority for it to be tabled before the council,” said Dunga. “From where we are standing Margaret Arnold remains the speaker of the council, and she comes from the AIC, which was a position that we had agreed upon with the ANC and other like-minded political parties.”

This could signal that ActionSA may not get the support it is hoping for to secure the position of speaker. Some in the ANC, especially in the Johannesbu­rg region, are not in full support of installing an ActionSA speaker.

But ActionSA chair Michael Beaumont said on Tuesday that he was confident the party would prevail. “It appears ActionSA will take up seats in committees in Johannesbu­rg as well as the position of speaker, and effectivel­y we are poised to participat­e in a constructi­ve manner in this government, lending our votes, issue by issue, to this government on the merits of the issue at hand.”

Beaumont said that with 44 seats in the council, ActionSA was in a comfortabl­e position and would walk away if the ANC reneged on the deal for speaker.

 ?? /Supplied ?? DA decision looms: DA Johannesbu­rg caucus leader Belinda KayserEche­ozonjoku says her party has to decide whether it will support an ANC mayoral candidate or field its own candidate.
/Supplied DA decision looms: DA Johannesbu­rg caucus leader Belinda KayserEche­ozonjoku says her party has to decide whether it will support an ANC mayoral candidate or field its own candidate.

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