Business Day

Trump: a lot like Hitler

- Dawie Jacobs Pretoria

The most dangerous leaders are those with an uncanny grasp of all things aggrieving their nation, real or perceived, and how to use them as a political weapon to stir up emotions to get a following and political power with their own selfish agendas. There were many examples throughout history. Hitler was a prime example.

Donald Trump follows the script of Hitler’s ‘Mein Kampf’ meticulous­ly, using grievances, real and perceived, to stir up emotions and establish a cult-like following. Surprising, though, is that he enjoys so much support in this day and age, with so much knowledge and informatio­n available.

Many, including world leaders, were not fully aware in the early days of what was driving Hitler, until it was too late. The world knows by now exactly who Donald Trump is and the threat he poses to democracy, the rule-based internatio­nal order and global stability. Democratic world leaders express their concern, while dictators are keen to welcome one of their own into the fold. Despite all this, he still enjoys a cult-like following among a large portion of the Republican Party.

With gag orders stopping him attacking the judicial system while he spends weeks in court on criminal charges, senior Republican­s do it for him. The world’s oldest democracy is being undermined from within before the eyes of the world.

One can only hope the wheels of justice and the increasing opposition, also from his own party, will be able to stop this rot from within. There is so much at stake for the so-called free world.

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