Business Day

Australian miner says mine study going well

- Jacqueline Mackenzie

Junior Australian miner Southern Palladium says the prefeasibi­lity study at its Bengwenyam­a project is advancing with more than 30,000m of drilling now completed.

The project, on the eastern limb of the Bushveld Complex, which contains more than 70% of the world’s known platinum group metal (PGM) resources, has the potential to produce palladium, rhodium, platinum and iridium.

“With over 30,000m of drilling completed, we are now transition­ing towards the completion of a pre-feasibilit­y study (PFS),” said MD Johan Odendaal.

“Notably, the initial target area in Eerstegelu­k [was] successful­ly converted to indicated mineral resources by the end of 2023, marking significan­t progress,” he said. “With assay results for the North Horst Block still pending, the project already boasts an existing indicated and inferred mineral resource estimate of 26.22-million ounces.”

Southern Palladium enlisted SRK Consulting to conduct a comprehens­ive review of continuing work, fostering transparen­cy and independen­ce in the project developmen­t process, he said. The environmen­tal impact assessment, a core component of the coming mining right applicatio­n, was also progressin­g well and remained on schedule to be submitted for review by mid-2024, said Odendaal.

Results for the final drill holes will be incorporat­ed into an updated mineral resource estimate, which is scheduled for completion early in the company’s third quarter. The updated mineral resource estimate and maiden reserve will form part of the prefeasibi­lity study.

Southern Palladium remains well funded to complete the PFS, with A$8.34m in cash at endDecembe­r 2023.

Consistent with previous guidance, the study is expected to be completed early in the December quarter.

The company announced in November that it had appointed former Minerals Council CEO Roger Baxter as chair.

“My appointmen­t to the board of Southern Palladium presents a unique opportunit­y to engage with one of the few remaining PGM developmen­t projects of significan­ce globally. The Bengwenyam­a project has several standout attributes and is now well advanced in terms of transition­ing from exploratio­n to developmen­t,” Baxter said at the time of his appointmen­t.

Southern Palladium has a market valuation of about R538m on the JSE, where it has a secondary listing; its primary listing is in Australia.


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