Expat Living City Guide (Singapore)

Stamford American

- Language Acquisitio­n and Language and Literature teacher

David Diez, Spanish – Grade 9 to 12 Spanish

This marks my ninth year in Singapore as well as teaching at Stamford American Internatio­nal School, making my journey in this country closely intertwine­d with the school.

Teaching is a continuous journey of discovery. Alongside my students, I constantly learn and grow, finding new insights every day. It’s incredibly rewarding to make a positive impact on their lives and see them thrive. Building strong connection­s, witnessing their progress and inspiring creativity bring immense satisfacti­on. Teaching is a source of endless inspiratio­n and fulfilment.

What truly makes teaching unforgetta­ble for me are the day-to-day “light bulb moments” experience­d by students. It’s that magical instance when everything suddenly makes sense for them, and you can see the relief and understand­ing in their eyes. Knowing that I played a part in their learning journey at that exact moment is truly gratifying. These moments are what keep me motivated through the everyday challenges of teaching, and they give back the rewards tenfold.

Curriculum: IB, IB DP, AP, BTEC Diploma

School year: August to June

Grades taught: 2 months to 18 years

Year establishe­d: 2009


As one of the top IB schools in Singapore, we strive to provide our students with as many learning opportunit­ies as possible, fulfilling their social, emotional and intellectu­al needs.

What’s new?

We’ve expanded our language offerings by introducin­g Japanese and Korean courses alongside English, Mandarin and Spanish. This provides opportunit­ies for both students with Japanese or Korean as their home language and new learners to deepen their language skills. It also enriches our World Language programme.

1 Woodleigh Lane 6653 2947 | sais.edu.sg

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