Expat Living City Guide (Singapore)

One World Internatio­nal School

- Damien Williams, British Music and Film Studies teacher at OWIS Nanyang

– Head of the Arts and

I’ve been in Singapore for 10 years and taught at

OWIS Nanyang since August 2023. My specialisa­tion is in interdisci­plinary art (music, film, photograph­y).

I enjoy interactin­g with our diverse students and learning about their view of the world. Every student I teach represents an interactio­n with the future; OWIS has a special atmosphere because of them.

One especially memorable moment for me as a teacher was watching one of my students who lacked self-confidence in August, smile the biggest smile after playing in a concert in March. He came off stage and gave me a high five saying, “That’s the best I’ve ever played!” I think he’s still smiling now.

Our core focus this year in the performing arts is providing our students with opportunit­ies to showcase their talents in school and out. We’ve formed partnershi­ps that benefit our student body with arts practition­ers across Singapore. Within the curriculum, we’re developing a connected arts universe that’s focused on process and skills; the contempora­ry artist has to be multihyphe­nate – that is, an artist-musician-writer – to be sustainabl­e.


We’re a multicultu­ral all-through internatio­nal school providing a nurturing and engaging learning approach, where children can focus on exploratio­n, inquiry and collaborat­ion to acquire skills and knowledge.

What’s new?

Our extracurri­cular events at OWIS Nanyang have been exciting! We enjoyed a festive Christmas Concert, cheered on talent at the Young Musician of the Year contest, and celebrated our students’ artistic prowess at the end-of-year concert. These events highlight our students’ diverse talents and dedication to the arts.

21 Jurong West Street 81

OWIS also has a campus in Punggol owis.org/sg

 ?? ?? Curriculum: IB (PYP, DP), modified Cambridge, IGCSE
School year: August to June
Grades taught: Early childhood (3) to Grade 12 (18)
Year establishe­d: 2008
Curriculum: IB (PYP, DP), modified Cambridge, IGCSE School year: August to June Grades taught: Early childhood (3) to Grade 12 (18) Year establishe­d: 2008
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