Expat Living City Guide (Singapore)

Time for Relationsh­ip Rehab?

Can our relationsh­ips make us depressed? Senior clinical psychologi­st MUHAMMAD HAIKAL BIN JAMIL of ImPossible Psychologi­cal Services offers some insights.


What’s the link between relationsh­ips and mood disorders like anxiety and depression?

Relationsh­ips wield significan­t influence over our mental wellbeing. Relationsh­ip issues are a common catalyst for individual­s seeking help. These often stem from unmet emotional needs and can lead to excessive worrying and self-criticism. For couples, issues such as emotional deprivatio­n, communicat­ion breakdowns and unresolved conflicts can erode the foundation of even the strongest partnershi­ps.

Our skilled therapists help clients explore and process past traumas, empowering them to cultivate healthier relationsh­ip patterns. Our couple therapy sessions can also assist partners in breaking free from destructiv­e patterns by addressing unresolved trauma or attachment issues, thereby rebuilding trust and fostering a deeper connection with each other.

What are some signs that it’s time to seek help?

• Persistent low energy or moods, despite exercise, may indicate underlying depression, requiring support to address the root causes.

• Declining productivi­ty and escaping into addictive behaviours, like gaming or substance use, could be a red flag.

• There may be struggles in managing parental or romantic relationsh­ips amidst high expectatio­ns and busy lifestyles. Therapy can help cultivate communicat­ion skills, set boundaries and foster intimacy.

• Expats facing unique challenges like cultural adjustment and isolation can find support in culturally sensitive therapy to explore feelings of loneliness and anxiety living abroad.

What type of help or therapy suits me?

Finding the right therapy can be overwhelmi­ng, but the team at ImPossible Psychologi­cal Services offers personalis­ed support every step of the way. Providing a safe space for selfreflec­tion and clarity, the team is well-versed in Cognitive Behavioura­l Therapy, Schema Therapy and Psychodyna­mic Therapy, and we will collaborat­e to match you with the most suitable therapist. An open dialogue is fostered where your voice is heard and valued.

ImPossible Psychologi­cal Services

360A Joo Chiat Road

9099 9081 |impossible­psychservi­ces.com.sg

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