Expat Living City Guide (Singapore)

We chat with Australian-trained clinical psychologi­st DR SANVEEN KANG, founder of specialist psychology clinic Psych Connect.


Why did you launch Psych Connect?

It was my dream for many years. I had previously managed and developed programmes at several other organisati­ons, and the experience­s gave me valuable insights into various aspects of mental health and practices I aim to implement at Psych Connect.

I envisioned a space that supports not just individual­s, but also families and communitie­s. I believe in the power of human connection, and for therapy to be effective, these connection­s must be establishe­d within the therapeuti­c relationsh­ip and also with key stakeholde­rs in our clients’ lives. By empowering the entire system, we foster a natural process of healing and change.

We also focus on the mind-body connection, utilising approaches grounded in neuroscien­ce. This holistic approach ensures we address the comprehens­ive needs of our clients, promoting overall wellbeing.

What are some reasons people typically seek help from Psych Connect?

Our evaluation­s serve both diagnostic purposes and interventi­on planning. We diagnose conditions such as autism, social communicat­ion disorder, language and speech sound disorders, selective mutism, trauma, ADHD, sensory processing disorder, learning disorders including dyslexia, dyscalculi­a and dysgraphia, and dyspraxia in both young children and adults. These assessment­s can also assist in interventi­on planning, especially when previous treatments have been ineffectiv­e.

Give us an insight into your team.

At Psych Connect, the multidisci­plinary team includes psychologi­sts, counsellor­s, psychother­apists, educationa­l therapists, art psychother­apists, speech and language therapists, and occupation­al therapists. They come from diverse cultures and background­s, like our clients, and have personal experience­s with internatio­nal relocation and being third culture kids.

We also offer services in a variety of languages, including English, Mandarin, Korean, Hokkien, Hindi, Bahasa, German, Romanian, French, Croatian and Serbian.

What do you enjoy most about your work?

Meeting people, hearing their stories and being a part of their healing journey is an incredible privilege. I’m continuall­y humbled by the resilience of the human spirit. Resilience isn’t about avoiding pain; it’s about enduring it, overcoming it and emerging stronger. The power of psychologi­cal therapy lies in guiding us through that journey, helping us rediscover our inner strength and heal ourselves.

Psych Connect

10 Winstedt Road, #03-13 6493 0244 | psychconne­ct.sg

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