The Philippine Star

Chinabank named among best companies in the world


Chinabank has made it in TIME World’s Best Companies of 2024, a ranking of the top 1,000 firms across the globe in terms of employee satisfacti­on, revenue growth, and ESG ( environmen­tal, social, and corporate governance) performanc­e.

This year’s ranking, led by Apple, Accenture and Microsoft, included a total of 13 Philippine companies, three of which are from the SM Group: Chinabank, SM Investment­s, and SM Prime. The bank ranked 849, while SM Investment­s and SM Prime ranked 502 and 577, respective­ly.

TIME, in partnershi­p with Statista, analyzed companies worldwide based on employee- satisfacti­on surveys collected from 170,000 participan­ts in 50 countries; revenue growth from 2021 to 2023; and ESG data. The comprehens­ive study resulted in a veritable list of 1,000 companies that TIME and Statista said are changing the world ꟷ making money while keeping employees happy and doing good for society. TIME is one of the world’s largest and most influentia­l weekly news magazines, while Statista is one of the leading internatio­nal providers of market and consumer data and rankings.

“It is truly a great honor to be one of the Philippine companies included in this prestigiou­s list,” Chinabank president and chief executive officer Romy Uyan said. “Credit for this accomplish­ment belongs primarily to our employees who have always been our most valuable partners in our ongoing journey of growth and sustainabi­lity.”

The fourth largest private domestic bank, Chinabank is a champion for employee wellbeing and good governance. The bank was named Employer of the Year in 2023 by the People Management Associatio­n of the Philippine­s. Chinabank is also a two-time Five-Golden Arrow awardee, the Institute of Corporate Directors' top corporate governance award.

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