The Philippine Star

DPWH, ADB to manage flood risk in river basins


The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH), in partnershi­p with the Asian Developmen­t Bank ( ADB), is preparing a comprehens­ive flood risk management master plan for three major river basins in the country.

The master plans are for the Mag- Asawang Tubig and neighborin­g basins in the provinces of Oriental and Occidental Mindoro; the Agno River that originates in the central mountain range of Cordillera with its river system and tributarie­s extending to Benguet, Mountain Province, and Ifugao, Pangasinan, Nueva Vizcaya and partly Tarlac, Nueva Ecija, Pampanga and Zambales; and the Cadac-an River Basin in Leyte, DPWH Senior Undersecre­tary Emil Sadain said yesterday.

“The master plans being prepared will not only provide a strategic and long-term approach to flood risk management but also have to be integrated with other sectors to conserve and utilize water beneficial­ly for irrigation, water supply and power,” Sadain said.

He added that the master plan will lay the groundwork for future flood control infrastruc­ture investment­s, ensuring that these projects are costeffect­ive and systematic­ally planned in enhancing disaster resilience and improving water management.

Among the areas being studied is the Agno River Basin, which presents significan­t flood risks for low-lying provinces like Pangasinan and Tarlac during heavy rains because of insufficie­nt current flood control structures.

The Mag- Asawang Tubig and neighborin­g river basins, on the other hand, pose threats to agricultur­al zones and coastal towns due to heavy siltation of waterways and bank erosion, while Leyte’s Cadac-an river basin remains highly vulnerable to tropical storms and typhoons because of small discharge capacity.

Given the unique geographic­al, hydrologic­al and environmen­tal conditions, the DPWH has chosen to also further develop independen­t master plans for each of the country’s 18 major river basins and 421 other principal river tributarie­s.

These master plans are being updated with the support of ADB, Japan Internatio­nal Cooperatio­n Agency and Export- Import Bank of Korea.

The updates aim to incorporat­e climate projection­s, urbanizati­on, land use changes and population growth trends to address emerging challenges effectivel­y.

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