The Philippine Star

BOC seizes P4.8-B smuggled items in Binondo


The Bureau of Customs (BOC) confiscate­d an estimated P4.8 billion worth of alleged smuggled vapes and assorted counterfei­t branded items last Sept. 6 in a warehouse in Binondo, Manila.

BOC Commission­er Bienvenido Rubio issued the Letter of Authority (LOA) that was used by their Customs Intelligen­ce and Investigat­ion Service-Manila Internatio­nal Container Port (CIIS-MICP) in inspecting the contents of the warehouse.

Reportedly found inside the warehouse were smuggled vapes and counterfei­t branded items, cosmetics, school supplies and general merchandis­e.

Rubio believes the operation last Friday could be “one of the biggest operations” of the bureau this year in terms of discovered goods.

“In recent months, we’ve been monitoring several warehouses for violation of intellectu­al property rights. As these groups and individual­s become more brazen in their attempts to circumvent our laws, the more that our BOC personnel ꟷ from top to bottom ꟷ will find and prosecute them,” he said.

The BOC would sched - ule the final inventory of the contents inside the warehouse and assign a Customs examiner. In the meantime, the bureau has padlocked and sealed the storage areas.

The warehouse owners and operators were given 15 days from the service of the LOA to submit documents and show that the subject imported goods were legitimate­ly imported and that correct duties and taxes were duly paid pursuant to Section 224 of Customs Modernizat­ion and Tariff Act (CMTA).

If they fail to present the proper documents, they can face charges for violating Section 117 (regulated importatio­n and exportatio­n) and Section 1400 (misdeclara­tion in goods declaratio­n) in relation to Section 1113 (property subject to seizure and forfeiture) of the CMTA.

They will also face charges in accordance with Republic Act 8293 or the Intellectu­al Property Code of the Philippine­s, and Republic Act 10963 or the Tax Reform for Accelerati­on and Inclusion Law.

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