The Philippine Star

Bong Go helps marginaliz­ed communitie­s in Davao Oriental


As part of his efforts to support marginaliz­ed communitie­s across the country, Sen. Bong Go extended assistance to struggling residents in Cateel town in Davao Oriental on Friday.

Go emphasized the importance of government programs that directly benefit those in need, particular­ly minimum wage earners who are struggling amid a rising cost of living.

“The fight against increasing prices of commoditie­s is hard. This is why we need each other’s help. Let us use government funds to help our struggling fellowmen overcome poverty and improve their livelihood­s,” Go said.

The senator also underscore­d that the goal should not be limited to providing temporary relief to those in need, but to establish sustainabl­e measures for long-term progress.

Go distribute­d grocery packs, shirts, basketball­s, volleyball­s, vitamins, sling bags, and snacks to 1,750 identified lowincome individual­s ꟷ composed of laborers, fishefolks and senior citizens ꟷ during two separate relief activities at the gymnasiums of Barangays Taytayan and Sta. Filomena.

Bicycles, shoes, mobile phone and a watch were also given to select beneficiar­ies. Another set of 1,500 beneficiar­ies were assisted during their visit.

Go is the principal author and sponsor of Republic Act 11463 or the Malasakit Centers Act of 2019, which institutio­nalized the Malasakit Centers program. At least 166 Malasakit Centers were opened nationwide to assist patients’ medical expenses. According to a Department of Health data, about 10 million Filipinos have already benefited from the program.

After visiting Cateel, Go went to Baganga town where he provided aid to indigents and displaced workers.

 ?? ?? Sen. Bong Go hugs a supporter during a visit to Cateel town in Davao Oriental on Friday.
Sen. Bong Go hugs a supporter during a visit to Cateel town in Davao Oriental on Friday.

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