The Philippine Star

Bell-Kenz files cyber libel raps vs Leachon

- By MARK ERNEST VILLEZA – With Mayen Jaymalin

Health reform advocate Tony Leachon is facing cyber libel charges filed yesterday by Bell-Kenz Pharma Inc.

The pharmaceut­ical firm has been accused of giving rebates of up to P2 million, luxury cars, travel and other perks to doctors who prescribe BellKenz medicines.

Leachon allegedly violated the anti-cybercrime law with his “malicious, reckless and baseless accusation­s against Bell-Kenz,” said BellKenz spokespers­on Dezery Perlez.

“If our criminal case proceeds, we will then pursue an administra­tive case for the cancellati­on of his medical license,” said Bell-Kenz legal counsel Alex Avisado Jr.

Civil action might follow as the firm’s doctors have also been subjected to public ridicule, Avisado added.

The criminal complaint against Leachon was filed at the National Bureau of Investigat­ion (NBI) headquarte­rs in Quezon City.

Perlez recalled Leachon’s claims that “Bell-Kenz and its doctors are involved in unethical practices, the company is said to be engaged in multi-level marketing or a pyramid scheme and he also claims that the company and its doctors overprescr­ibe to its patients in exchange for luxury cars and watches.”

Leachon’s source could be a former Bell-Kenz staff member, Avisado noted.

Avisado also questioned the motives behind Leachon’s claims, hinting at possible biases due to his alleged past associatio­n with a major pharmaceut­ical company, which the legal counsel did not name.

The NBI vowed to investigat­e malicious posts against Bell-Kenz and work toward taking them down, Perlez said.

“These posts are damaging not only to the company but to the entire medical profession,” she added.

“Our reputation, integrity and name have been damaged,” said Bell-Kenz corporate secretary and legal counsel Joseph Vincent Go.

In a statement yesterday, Leachon said Bell-Kenz’s legal action is a tactic “to divert attention from the Senate inquiry and to intimidate critics, thereby underminin­g the significan­t issues being examined by lawmakers.”

“My comments on social media did not specifical­ly name Bell-Kenz until they were publicly identified in a Senate inquiry led by Senators Jinggoy Estrada, Raffy Tulfo, JV Ejercito and Bong Go,” he explained.

The issue has been referred to the Senate Blue Ribbon committee chaired by Sen. Pia Cayetano for further investigat­ion.

“Nothing I stated has been shown to be false; instead, it aligns with the whistleblo­wer’s revelation­s that were later substantia­ted by senatorial investigat­ions,” Leachon noted.

 ?? MIGUEL DE GUZMAN ?? Representa­tives from Bell-Kenz Pharmaceut­ical, led by their corporate secretary Joseph Vincent Go, file cyber libel charges against Dr. Tony Leachon before the cybercrime division of the National Bureau of Investigat­ion in Quezon City yesterday.
MIGUEL DE GUZMAN Representa­tives from Bell-Kenz Pharmaceut­ical, led by their corporate secretary Joseph Vincent Go, file cyber libel charges against Dr. Tony Leachon before the cybercrime division of the National Bureau of Investigat­ion in Quezon City yesterday.

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