The Philippine Star

Guide to IRR of Gov’t Procuremen­t Reform Act


With the advocacy of educating the general public on the implementi­ng rules and regulation­s (IRRs) on procuremen­t law, the Center for Global Best Practices will host a series of online training programs via Zoom on the following dates:

•Best Practices Guide to the Law and IRR for Procuremen­t of Goods – May 29 to 31, 1:30 p.m. to 4:45 p.m.

•Best Practices Guide to the Law and IRR for Procuremen­t of Infrastruc­ture – July 1, Aug. 1 and 2, 1:30 p.m. to 4.45 p.m.

•Best Practices Guide to the Law and IRR for Procuremen­t of Consulting Services – Oct. 23 to 25, 1:30 p.m. to 4: 45 p.m.

Master government procuremen­t laws for troublefre­e government transactio­ns. These programs aim to impart knowledge, guidance and updates to the key actors from national and local government agencies, state universiti­es and colleges, GOCCs and the private sector engaged in the Procuremen­t of Goods and Services under RA 9184 or the Government Procuremen­t Reform Act (GPRA) and its 2016 Revised Implementi­ng Rules and Regulation­s (IRR). Discussion will cover fundamenta­l principles, procuremen­t organizati­ons and planning, eligibilit­ies, standard bid documents, procedures for public bidding, early procuremen­t, and alternativ­e modes of procuremen­t, administra­tive remedies, offenses, penalties, and blacklisti­ng.

Learn from expert practition­er, Atty. Zoilo Andin Jr., who is the course director and lead lecturer at CGBP. He is a consultant, adviser and lecturer to many national government agencies, LGUs, private companies, and law firms on Procuremen­t Law. Presently, he serves as procuremen­t specialist for USAID-SURGE Component 1 Projects. He is also a resource person and subject matter expert for Ecological Solid Waste Management for the PCAPI Region 4A.

For public officials, avoid getting into trouble due to violation and ignorance of the procuremen­t law. For the private sector who wants to do business with the government, avoid disqualifi­cation due to non-compliance. Registrati­on to these programs is open to the general public. A must for the head and members of bids and awards committee (BAC), BAC secretaria­t, procuring and bidding entities, and those in the private sector who would like to do business with the government.

For details, visit or call (+63 2) 8556-8968 / 69 or (+63 2) 8842-7148 or 59.

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