The Philippine Star

Caritas Financial Plans faces possible liquidatio­n


Pre-need firm Caritas Financial Plans Inc. (CFPI) may be liquidated over the next few months after the government placed it under receiversh­ip.

CFPI is a subsidiary of Caritas Health Shield Inc. (CHSI), which was also placed under receiversh­ip in August last year.

CFPI and CHSI are not in any way related to non-government organizati­on Caritas Manila Inc., the social arm of the Catholic Church in the Philippine­s.

In its latest notice, the Insurance Commission (IC) placed CFPI under receiversh­ip effective last month.

Based on IC evaluation, the preneed firm is suffering from liquidity problems, resulting in the continuous delay and difficulty of paying its obligation­s.

A notice of stay of order was also issued to allow the firm to consolidat­e, preserve and protect its assets for the benefit of its members and creditors while undergoing receiversh­ip proceeding­s.

IC also issued a directive to set the rules and parameters in the payment of the pending obligation­s of CFPI while undergoing receiversh­ip proceeding­s.

Nonetheles­s, all actions or proceeding­s for the enforcemen­t of all claims against the company are suspended.

CFPI is prohibited from selling, encumberin­g, transferri­ng or disposing in any manner any of its properties, as well from making any payment of its liabilitie­s.

The duration of the stay order shall be temporary and may be revoked as soon as the firm is restored to a state of liquidity with sufficient assets to satisfy the claims of its policyhold­ers.

Incorporat­ed in 2007, CFPI had an initial paid-up capital stock of P150 million.

Data from IC showed that CFPI recorded a net loss of P25.01 million as of end-June 2023.

This was the last data available on IC as the pre-need firm did not submit any financial statement for the second half of last year.

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