The Philippine Star

Gov’t urged to hike, fast-track power investment­s


The government should increase its investment­s in the power generation infrastruc­ture and accelerate energyrela­ted projects to address the country’s thinning electricit­y supply, a think thank said.

The Center for Energy Research and Policy (CERP) said the expanding public investment­s in the energy sector has been more critical than ever following a series of yellow alerts raised over the Luzon and Visayas grids.

“As the current heat index remains extremely high in the Philippine­s, Filipinos need electricit­y to keep themselves cool, healthy, and productive,” CERP said in a statement.

“Our government should not wait for another alert before taking action,” CERP added.

Joey Ocon, a co-convenor of the think tank, made seven recommenda­tions to the government, including streamlini­ng regulatory procedures and reducing bureaucrat­ic hurdles.

Ocon also proposed that the government foster inter-agency coordinati­on and incentiviz­e timely project completion­s of power investment­s.

Furthermor­e, the government should ensure the availabili­ty of “adequate” reserve power capacities while fast tracking the implementa­tion of transmissi­on, distributi­on and grid interconne­ction projects, Ocon said.

Lastly, the CERP urged the review of the automatic and manual loaddroppi­ng protocols of the National Grid Corp. of the Philippine­s and distributi­on utilities.

“Addressing our current power supply constraint­s and preparing for future energy needs require sustained investment­s in expanding our energy sources, with a focus on both renewables complement­ing the more readily available convention­al sources,” it said.

According to the CERP, the country’s current power generation capacity has been struggling to meet the growing demand that has been exacerbate­d by the recent high heat indices with about 20 power plants on forced outage nationwide.

“CERP emphasizes the need for a proactive and forward-thinking approach to the country’s energy landscape,” the think tank added.

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