The Philippine Star

Migz: Senate to study divorce bill


The Senate will study the divorce bill, which the House of Representa­tives passed on second reading on Wednesday.

Senate President Juan Miguel Zubiri said the senators need to look into House Bill No. 9348, a proposal seeking to reinstate divorce in the country as a means of dissolving marriages.

“We need to study it first,” Zubiri noted but did not elaborate.

At present, there are four pending proposals in the Upper House – Senate Bills 147, 213, 237, 554, 555, 1198 and 2047 consolidat­ed under SB 2443, an act expanding grounds for dissolutio­n of marriage, institutin­g divorce authored by Senators Risa Hontiveros, Raffy Tulfo, Robinhood Padilla, Pia Cayetano and Imee Marcos.

While Zubiri is open to studying the divorce bill, Senate Majority Leader Joel Villanueva, a Christian, said he is definitely against the proposal to dissolve marriages.

“I’m no again. No need to study,” said Villanueva.

Villanueva is a son of Eddie Villanueva, an evangelist and presidentf­ounder of the Jesus Is Lord Church Worldwide.

Under SB No. 2443, the proposed measures indicated that spouses may seek a judicial decree of absolute divorce after a separation of five years, whether continuous or intermitte­nt, or a period of two years following the issuance of a decree of legal separation.

An absolute divorce can be sought if the crime of rape was committed by the respondent-spouse against the petitioner-spouse, either before or after marriage, with physical violence or grossly abusive conduct.

The proposed measure stated that lesbianism or homosexual­ity should not be grounds for divorce unless involving marital infidelity.

The bill also recognized a final decree of absolute divorce validly obtained in a foreign jurisdicti­on by any Filipino citizen.

Irreconcil­able marital difference­s or irreparabl­e breakdown of the marriage, after a mandatory 60-day cooling-off period, are also valid grounds.

Lastly, a marriage annulment or dissolutio­n authorized by a church, religious entity or traditiona­l customs of an Indigenous Cultural Community or Indigenous Peoples has the same effect as a court decree of divorce, annulment, dissolutio­n or declaratio­n of nullity.

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