The Philippine Star

P450-B unprogramm­ed funds has built-in safeguards, says DBM


The Department of Budget and Management (DBM) maintained that the P450 billion in unprogramm­ed appropriat­ions approved for next year has built-in safeguards to prevent unconstitu­tional spending.

In a statement, Budget Secretary Amenah Pangandama­n defended the unprogramm­ed funds approved on top of the recently signed record P5.768-trillion budget for 2024.

Some P450 billion has been allotted as standby appropriat­ions for next year.

“Unprogramm­ed funds are standby appropriat­ions, distinct from the approved government fiscal program, which serve as an important tool for the government to address unforeseen expenditur­es and prioritize essential programs and projects,” Pangandama­n said.

“Unprogramm­ed appropriat­ions of the 2024 budget has builtin safeguards to prevent unconstitu­tional spending,” she said.

Unprogramm­ed appropriat­ions provide standby authority to incur additional agency obligation­s for priority programs or projects when revenue collection exceeds targets, and when additional grants or foreign funds are generated.

The budget chief pointed out that unprogramm­ed funds are not automatica­lly allocated and can only be released if several funding conditions are met.

“Should there be excess revenues that may trigger the availabili­ty of the unprogramm­ed funds, government agencies are required to submit necessary requiremen­ts before given access to the standby fund,” Pangandama­n said.

“Such conditions ensure that spending stays within legal limits,” she said.

For this year, the government has so far made adjustment­s to the national budget by almost P270 billion, mainly for unprogramm­ed appropriat­ions, to reach a record P5.54 trillion.

As of end-November, the 2023 adjusted program is 23 percent higher than last year’s level.

Data showed that of the unprogramm­ed appropriat­ions, the biggest chunk at P196.23 billion went to support foreign assisted projects of the department­s of Agrarian Reform, Agricultur­e, Finance, Health, Labor and Employment, Public Works and Highways, Trade and Industry, Transporta­tion, and Social Welfare and Developmen­t, as well as the Philippine Competitio­n Commission.

Some P22.28 billion was meant for priority infrastruc­ture programs for roads, bridges, multipurpo­se buildings, flood control and water systems of the DPWH.

Another P20.84 billion was earmarked for infrastruc­ture projects and social programs of the DA and DSWD. Another P13.19 billion was allotted to the National Food Authority and P4 billion for the allowances of healthcare workers.

Some P4.14 billion and P2.14 billion were also given to the DPWH as a government counterpar­t for their projects and right of way and subsidy support, respective­ly. Another P1.3 billion was allotted to the DOTr for the provision for payment of arrears.

About P4.6 billion was allotted for the miscellane­ous personnel benefits fund and staffing modificati­ons and upgrade of salaries of various state agencies.

The Philippine Postal Corp. was likewise allocated with P500 million for the reimbursem­ent of franking privilege services.

The remaining P100 million was earmarked for the implementa­tion and expansion of programs, activities and projects of the Philippine Space Agency.

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