The Corporate



Director of Commercial (Multi-Property) Hoiana Hotels, Rosewood Hotel Group Quang Nam, Viet Nam

It was a tough 2.5 years during the pandemic as it changed how we do things and how we look at things. I arrived in Viet Nam in Dec 2019, just before COVID-19 outbreak. I experience­d the hardest part of lockdown being alone at home not to mention those trying times of getting sad news that some of my family members got infected of the virus and knowing that I can’t be there during the times that they needed me most. I also lost my mom at the time that there was no internatio­nal flight in and out of Viet Nam, the toughest part of not seeing her for the last time. With all these things that happened, I survived with head straight and sanity intact. There are 4 simple tips that kept me going during this pandemic. FIRST: Keep on praying. Pray most of the time especially when you feel down. Prayer humbles us because as we spend time with Him, we realize how powerful our God is and how much we need Him. I usually start and end my day with a prayer (and this pandemic even made me closer to my husband where we pray together either virtually or in person as he joined me here in Viet Nam after 11 months apart). SECOND: Stay healthy. Health is important at the best of times, but the added stress of this pandemic means that it’s even more crucial to take proper care of yourself. I must stay healthy, and I made sure that I get enough sleep, eat healthy meals and try to exercise as much as possible at home. I’m not saying that there haven’t been days over the past worst pandemic when I’ve spent morning through night with my pajamas, but I embraced these moments and made sure they didn’t run into two overnights. THIRD: Continuous self-improvemen­t. It helps enhance strength and skills across a range of areas that helps build a stronger you. During the height of the pandemic, I was able to finish my online certificat­ion as Certified Revenue Management Executive (CRME) from HSMAI Academy. This gave me an opportunit­y to be promoted to an expanded role handling not only Revenue Management but also Sales, Marketing, Events and Distributi­on. I also was able to share my knowledge and experience through online classes where I help teach Brand Management module under the Diploma in Strategic Marketing Management at School of Profession­al and Continuing Education (SPaCE) in De La Salle – College of Saint Benilde. FOURTH: Stay connected. Connect with your family and friends as often as you can. This pandemic also has plunged most of us full tilt into the already emerging world of virtual connection­s. The important thing is to remember that you are not alone, and that there are different ways to be together virtually through zoom (for most of our eCelebrati­ons during birthdays, anniversar­ies, and holidays), Facebook messenger (for our weekly catch-up with fam), Instagram, Viber, Zalo and WhatsApp (for keeping in touch with friends around the globe) and a lot more. This bible verse inspires me and encourages my heart when it takes everything to just keep going. “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11.

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