Tatler Homes Philippines

Bucatini Carbonara



250g Noodle Lab fresh bronze extruded bucatini 80g guanciale

2 egg yolks

60g grated Parmigiano Reggiano

30g grated pecorino Romano

1tsp toasted and then ground black peppercorn­s

(Serves 2 persons)


1. Prepare the guanciale. With a knife, remove any skin that is still on the guanciale. Cut into cubes or strips.

2. Transfer the guanciale into a cold pan. Now turn the heat to medium and render the guanciale till it is crispy and most of the fat has melted. Make sure to flip/stir the guanciale occasional­ly to avoid burning it. Once crispy, drain the guanciale in paper towels and save the rendered guanciale fat.

3. Fill a deep pot with water till about halfway. Bring the water to a simmer over medium heat.

4. In a heat-proof metal or glass bowl, combine 2 egg yolks, 60g grated Parmigiano Reggiano, 30g grated pecorino Romano and 1tbsp cracked black pepper. Place this bowl over the pot once the water is simmering (but not boiling) to create a double boiler. Continuous­ly whisk the cheese and egg mixture until it is melted and smooth. If the water in the pot below starts to boil, turn the heat down. Continuous­ly whisk the mixture and gradually add the rendered guanciale fat, one tablespoon at a time, until the mixture is very smooth. Set aside.

5. Lightly salt (1tsp) the water in the same pot that was used as a double boiler. Once it comes to a rapid boil, add the bucatini and boil for 1-2 minutes. Using tongs, transfer the cooked bucatini into the bowl with the cheese and egg mixture and immediatel­y toss or stir to combine. Place the bowl back on top of the double boiler (heat should still be on) and stir constantly with tongs or toss to avoid scrambling the eggs. Add the guanciale in and toss some more. Add pasta water as needed to loosen the sauce ( just half a ladle at a time).

6. Plate and serve immediatel­y with more grated pecorino Romano. This is not a dish that gets better as it sits, so best to eat it immediatel­y.

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