Sun.Star Pampanga

CL records high agri output amid El Niño


CITY OF SAN FERNANDO — The Department of Agricultur­e (DA) said that the El Nino phenomenon's impact on Central Luzon agricultur­e since last year has been insignific­ant.

The agency said the production of major crops in the region remains high.

DA’s Disaster Risk Reduction and Management focal person, Lowell D. Rebillaco, said the effects of El Nino has been "insignific­ant" compared to the production performanc­e of the region.

Rebillaco mentioned that the region’s rice production sustained damage of about 11,376 metric tons due to El Nino and other agricultur­al-related pr obl em s.

But this damage is minimal compared to the region's total production of 3.638 million metric tons of rice.

"The production this year shows that the interventi­ons made were able to avert the effects of El Nino. So, the effects are insignific­ant," Rebillaco added.

The DA official credited the high production to the collaborat­ive efforts of agencies and partners.

For the cropping season of 2023 to 2024, the DA targeted some 321,000 hectares.

Rebillaco reported that farmers exceeded this target, planting 389,000 hectares.

As of May 31, 2024, the DA reported that approximat­ely 364,000 hectares had been harvested.

DA Regional Director Dr. Eduardo L. Lapuz, Jr. stated that rice damage due to El Nino reached P600 million but this did not affect the region's total production.

Lapuz assured that the region’s rice sufficienc­y is at 154 percent, more than enough to meet the demands.

Lapuz added that the agricultur­al performanc­e for 2023 shows a vibrant output in terms of production. Rice continues to lead in overall production with an output of 3,638,431 metric tons.

This production contribute­s 18 percent to the national food supply, maintainin­g rice's position as a crucial crop with a sufficienc­y level of 154.

Meanwhile, Central Luzon remains the country’s number one onion producer, contributi­ng 55 percent of the national supply, with 138,028 metric tons produced in 2023.

Lapuz said that Central Luzon's poultry sector logged chicken meat production reaching 655,414 metric tons, accounting for 34 percent of the national supply and achieving a sufficienc­y level of 428. Chicken eggs follow closely, contributi­ng 19 percent with a production of 136,307 metric tons and a sufficienc­y level of 163.

Additional informatio­n from the Philippine Statistics Authority shows that duck egg production hit 30,104 metric tons, contributi­ng 55 percent to the national supply and achieving the highest sufficienc­y level recorded at 1,654.

Duck meat, producing a smaller quantity of 7,502 metric tons, contribute­d 28 percent to the national production of 2023.

"Chevon, or goat meat, is emerging as a significan­t commodity, contributi­ng 10 percent to the national supply with a production of 6,838 metric tons and a sufficienc­y level of 297," Lapuz added.

Lowland vegetables produced 168,336 metric tons, accounting for 18 percent of the national supply with a sufficienc­y level of 82.

Pork production, at 180,188 metric tons, contribute­s 10 percent and has a sufficienc­y level of 114, which, according to Lapuz, shows positive figures despite the effects of swine flu.

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