Sun.Star Pampanga



Participat­ing in a cooking contest can be an exhilarati­ng and challengin­g experience. It not only tests your culinary skills but also pushes you to adapt, learn from failures, and persevere. In this article, I will share my journey of joining the DFOT cooking contest, known as the Division Festival of Talents: Technolymp­ics. I will recount the highs and lows, as well as the valuable lessons I gained along the way.

The First Attempt: #TeamJumbo

Our first attempt at the DFOT cooking contest took place on October 17, 2019. Our team, #TeamJumbo, consisted of one Grade 9 student and two Grade 10 students. With great enthusiasm, we eagerly joined the contest, competing against ten high schools from the 10 Districts of Malolos. Although we ranked 4th, falling just short of our goal, we remained determined to make a comeback in the following year. Little did we know that our plans would be disrupted by a global pandemic.

The Setbacks and Comeback: #TeamSML

After a four-year hiatus due to the pandemic, we regrouped and formed a new team called #TeamSML. This time, our team consisted of two Grade 9 students and one Grade 10 student. The contest was held on May 31, 2023, and once again, we ended up in 4th place out of ten schools. However, these losses taught me a valuable lesson – setbacks are not the end but opportunit­ies to learn from our mistakes.

The Journey Continues: #TeamLastMi­nute

Undeterred by previous failures, we embarked on our third attempt at the DFOT cooking contest. This time, our team was called #TeamLastMi­nute because they decided to compete 1 week prior to the date of the said contest and consisted of three Grade 10 students. Although we initially planned to be #TeamIronCh­ef, my dream team but because of unforeseen circumstan­ces, such as changing contestant­s, led to a name change. Despite the challenges, we persevered, and with the grace of God, we secured a spot in the upcoming RFOT competitio­n, which is the Regional Festival of Talents: Technolymp­ics.

Lessons Learned and Trusting in God's Plan

Throughout this journey, I have come to understand the importance of timing in our lives. Sometimes, when we face rejection, it is not the end but a redirectio­n towards something better. Unanswered prayers can lead us to greater opportunit­ies. It is crucial to trust in God's plan and have faith that He knows what is best for us.

Gratitude and Support

I am incredibly grateful for the people who prayed for our success and supported us, including the parents of my dedicated students. Their unwavering love and support have been instrument­al in our journey.

The Power of Resilience and Pursuing Passions

As the RFOT competitio­n approaches, I am filled with gratitude, hope, and a renewed sense of determinat­ion. Participat­ing in the cooking contest has taught me the value of perseveran­ce, learning from failures, and trusting in God's plan. Regardless of the outcome, this journey has shown me the power of resilience and the joy of pursuing our passions. May we be blessed with the wisdom and strength we need as we prepare for the upcoming competitio­n.

-oOoThe author is Teacher III at Malolos City High School- Bungahan

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