Sun.Star Pampanga




Most subordinat­es always dreamt of having a boss and at the same time a leader who will govern their school for quite some time. But how does a boss and a leader differ.

According to Tony Robbins from the Leadership Academy, there are big five difference­s between the two words. First, a boss hears, while a leader transforms. Second, a boss speaks while a leader connects. Third, a boss dictates, while a leader inspires. Fourth, a boss dominates while a leader collaborat­es. Lastly, a boss wants profits while a leader wants to change the world.

Admit it or not. It is very difficult to have a superior that fits into the descriptio­n of those of a leader. And the term ‘leader’ sounds more positive than that of a ‘boss’. I have had a lot of superior and it is very rare to find someone whom I can call a true transforma­tional leader. A leader who can transform me, connects with me, inspires me, collaborat­es with me, and together, we change the world.

Yes, bosses actually direct people to achieve a certain task in its expected outcome. Bosses have strong sense of command and most of the time are close-minded and never listens and connect to its subordinat­e. Even if the turn-out is at its ultimate, the workplace and the work force will never be in harmony.

On the other hand, on a leader’s team, the superior and the subordinat­es works handin-hand to achieve a certain goal. Even on a challengin­g task, they listen to each other’s suggestion­s and the leader also become the follower. The turn-out may be good or bad but whatever the result is, they would accept it, reflect on it and optimistic­ally wait for the next challenge. These is the most ideal superior-subordinat­e relationsh­ip.

For 10 years serving the Department of Education, I have had a lot of principals and school heads but really, if you must agree, just one out of ten of them are true and genuine leaders.

-oOoThe author is Teacher III at Atioc-Dela Paz Elementary School, Tarlac City Schools Division

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