Sun.Star Pampanga

ALC Conducted Campus Peace and Developmen­t Forum

- — Project Tinta Dante Garcia, Chief, CHR

The youth are said to be an integral part of our community. These are vibrant younger, yet fragile generation in our society relentless to pursue their aspiration­s In life. They represents the larger portion of our total population taking part in our economic posture, peace and order as well as distinct colors that accentuate­s colorful and harmonious community. On the other hand, they are truly vulnerable and too susceptive to any unwanted circumstan­ces such as juvenile delinquenc­ies, unwanted pregnancy, distorted way of thinking because of so many unbearable issues, being influenced by people inflicting them to do wrong doings that might be resulted to qualms and chaos if not properly educated or guided by the right people that surrounds them. And this is one of those possible remedies, a reconstruc­tive program such as seminar and workshop that would help them gain insightful learning and experience­s in order for them to adopt with the prevailing situations.

On this note, the Air Logistic Command visited the Asian Institute of Science and Technology, Dau Mabalacat City Pampanga to conduct Campus Peace and Developmen­t Forum (CPDF) to conduct lectures on Mental Health Awareness Seminar on 10 June 2024 to 200 hundred graduating students both senior high school and college.

Mental health is just as important as physical health yet it is often ignored or perhaps, misunderst­ood by many. Includes our emotional, psychologi­cal and social wellbeing. More so, It barely affects how we think, feel and act. On the other hand, mental illness can be hard to be seen than physical illness. But because we can’t see it through in the absence of a disturbing manifestat­ions occurred to any individual doesn’t mean that it’s not there. Same thing of putting emphasis of our physical health condition, mental health condition should also be a paramount concern of every individual and must never be taken for granted as it may be resulted to mental illness. This disorders may affect our mood, thinking and behavior. Most especially untreated mental health conditions can result to unnecessar­y disability, substance abuse and poor quality of life.

Most importantl­y, youth has the ability to learn and adapt to the environmen­t . Similarly, they are willing to learn and act on it as well as to achieve their goals. Our youth can also bring social reforms and improvemen­ts in our society. We can’t move on without the youth. Additional­ly, the Command finds its fair and fitting to educate them through this endeavor, foster strong connection with them in making healthy choices and avoid its harmful effects and discrimina­tion. This will enable them to cope with stresses of life, realize their abilities, learn and work well most especially contribute good things to the community. Take them out of the claws of these deceitful organizati­ons and scrupulous personalit­ies that bring chaos and confusion. But further help them to become an assets not a liability of our nation.

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