Sun.Star Pampanga

We need to protect the environmen­t


CLIMATE activists struggle to keep our environmen­t sound and healthy. There have been various Calls to Earth programs in order to save the planet.

For the past months, we have observed and felt rhe increase in heat and humidity in several areas. There is no indication that the earth’s temperatur­e will improve in the days to come. It may even get worse, sigh!

Meanwhile, summits are being held in Europe and some parts of North America. I have yet to hear pf any con. . .

Crete plans from the attendees and be rest assured that they have come up with better ideas to make the earth a little livable.

We do not lack thinkers and scientists­physicists who would come up with better solutions to address the heat up. There are other good brains mapping out plans and strategies to keep us safe, but would they take up much time?

We have to admit that time is not on our side as far as preparatio­ns to foestall the impact of unfavorabl­e climate change. We are edging closer to disaster if. . .

£ £ £ I chanced upon a documentar­y on Netflix entitled Our Planet and it delves on the various effects of climate change, viz: the serious lack of oxygen in seas killing fishes and other marine life, tigers and other wildlife roaming in forests and, alarmingly, the fast melting of the ice glaxiers in Antartica. These glaciers shield the surface of the earth from the scorching heat of the sun.

The Our Planet team is composed of courageous men and women who brave the elements to capture fleeting moments in the earth’s movements. The team which spends years on the job consists of camera operators, marine biologists and scientists and drone operators. Their findings are a great help to researcher­s and the public.

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Im su, various activities are ongoing throughout the world all aimed at countervai­ling the disastrous effect of climae change on our environmen­t. Somewhere somehow, men and women are striving to contribute their share in protecting it. What’s ours?Last

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