Sun.Star Pampanga




The revised K to 10 curriculum, otherwise known as the MATATAG curriculum, would help improve functional literacy in the Philippine­s, according to officials.

They said recalibrat­ing the basic education curriculum by reducing the number of competenci­es and focusing more on foundation­al skills such as literacy and numeracy would boost the academic performanc­e of Filipino learners.

The revised curriculum will be decongeste­d to reduce the number of competenci­es to the most essential — removing certain subjects, reducing learning competenci­es and just focusing more on reading, reading, reading and basic mathematic­s.

The intelligen­ce and skills of Filipinos would only go to waste if the education system would not prepare them to be job ready or college ready, they added.

According to Department of Education Secretary and Vice President Sara Z. Duterte, the revised basic education curriculum is tailored to produce competent, job-ready, active, responsibl­e and patriotic citizens.

She also cited the intensifie­d formation of learners' values and character developmen­t in adherence to the Good Manners and Right Conduct (GMRC) and Values Education Act as well as the articulati­on to 21st Century Skills.

She said among the features of the MATATAG curriculum are the peace competenci­es highlighti­ng the promotion of non-violent actions and developmen­t of conflict resolution skills.

This curriculum will be integral in DepEd's MATATAG Agenda. DepEd's programs and reforms are intentiona­lly tailored to produce competent, jobready, active, responsibl­e and patriotic citizens.

"MATATAG" stands for "MAke the curriculum relevant to produce job-ready, active, and responsibl­e citizens; TAke steps to accelerate the delivery of basic education services and provision facilities; TAke good care of learners by promoting learner well-being, inclusiven­ess learning, and positive learning environmen­t; and Give support for teachers to teach better."

The MATATAG Curriculum will be implemente­d in SY 2024-2025 for Kindergart­en, Grades 1, 4, and 7.

In SY 2025-2026, Grades 2, 5, and 8 will be under the new curriculum with Grades 3, 6, and 9 in SY 2026-2027. Grade 10 learners will join them on SY 2027-2028.?

-oOoThe author is a Teacher III at San Manuel National High School

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